[Federal Register Volume 68, Number 10 (Wednesday, January 15, 2003)]
[Pages 2078-2084]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 03-862]



[Docket No. 030-28641]

Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact

AGENCY: Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

ACTION: Notice of environmental assessment and finding of no 
significant impact related to license amendment to the Department of 
the Air Force Master Materials License No. 42-23539-01AF, Department of 
the Air Force, USAF Radioisotope Committee, HQ AFMOA/SGPR, 8901 18th 
Street, Brooks AFB, Texas, 78235-5217.


SUMMARY: The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is considering 
the issuance of a license amendment to the Department of the Air Force 
Master Materials License No. 42-23539-01AF to authorize decommissioning 
of its Site OT-10 training facility at Kirtland AFB and has prepared an 
environmental assessment in support of this action. Based upon the 
environmental assessment, the NRC has concluded that a finding of no 
significant impact is appropriate, and, therefore an Environmental 
Impact Statement is unnecessary.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Rachel S. Browder, Division of Nuclear 
Materials Safety, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region IV, 611 
Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 400, Arlington, Texas, 76011; telephone (817) 
276-6552 or email [email protected].


Finding of No Significant Impact

    Pursuant to 10 CFR part 51, NRC has prepared an environmental 
assessment related to a license amendment to Materials License 42-
23539-01AF, authorizing decommissioning of the Site OT-10 at Kirtland 
AFB. On the basis of this environmental assessment, the NRC has 
concluded that this licensing action would not have any significant 
adverse effect on the quality of the human environment, and therefore, 
an Environmental Impact Statement is not required.

Environmental Assessment

1.0 Introduction

    The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is considering the 
U.S. Air Force's (USAF's) request for approval of the Kirtland Air 
Force Base (AFB) Decommissioning Plan (DP), located in Albuquerque, New 
Mexico. The licensee requested that four former Defense Nuclear Weapons 
School (DNWS) Radiation Training Sites at Kirtland AFB's be released 
for unrestricted use. The four training sites were identified for 
remediation under the USAF's Installation Restoration Program as Site 
OT-10. The purpose of this environmental assessment (EA) is to assess 
the environmental consequences of this license amendment request.

1.1 Background

    The DNWS Radiation Training Sites are located in the north central 
part of Kirtland AFB. From 1961 to 1990, these sites were used to train 
radiological response personnel to detect contamination generated 
during simulated nuclear weapons accidents. Known quantities of 
Brazilian thorium oxide sludge were applied and tilled into site soils 
to simulate dispersed plutonium. The training sites are owned by the 
U.S. Government and regulated by the NRC under the USAF Master 
Materials License No. 42-23539-01AF. Four inactive training sites (TS5, 
TS6, TS7 and TS8) comprise Kirtland AFB's Installation Restoration 
Program Site OT-10 and are being decommissioned to meet the NRC 
requirements for unrestricted use, as defined in NRC regulations.
    The OT-10 training sites consist of approximately 43 acres, in 
which approximately 9.2 acres (3.7 hectares) were affected with 
elevated thorium

[[Page 2079]]

concentrations at the time of the most recent investigation.
    The licensee submitted the DP in July 2000. A revised August 2002 
DP was transmitted by cover letter dated November 19, 2002, with the 
final site-specific derived concentration guideline levels (DCGLs) 
submitted on October 2, 2002. In accordance with 10 CFR 40.42, the DP 
describes the site conditions, the planned decommissioning activities, 
radiation safety program, planned final radiation survey, and the cost 
estimate for decommissioning. Decommissioning would occur for 
approximately 1\1/2\ years, tentatively from January 2003, and is 
expected to continue throughout 2003. Submittal of the final status 
survey report to the NRC is planned for early 2004.
    The radioactive contaminated soil would be removed in accordance 
with the DP and the licensee's standard operating procedures. The 
licensee has committed to excavating contaminated soil, vegetation, and 
debris and transferring them directly to intermodal containers, 
sampling and analyzing the excavated materials, manifesting the waste, 
and transporting the waste containers to a licensed disposal facility. 
The radioactive material would be packaged, handled and stored 
according to the appropriate health and safety procedures. Packaging 
contaminated soil would conform to the Department of Transportation 
(DOT) regulations and the disposal site requirements. The USAF would 
transfer the contaminated soil in intermodal containers by truck to 
West Control Specialist (WCS) in Andrews County, Texas, or in 
intermodal containers by rail or truck to Envirocare of Utah.

1.2 Purpose and Need for Proposed Action

    The purpose of the proposed action is to reduce residual 
contamination at the site for unrestricted use and removal of the OT-10 
training site from the license. NRC is fulfilling its responsibilities 
under the Atomic Energy Act to make a decision on a proposed license 
amendment for decommissioning that ensures protection of the public 
health and safety and environment.

2.0 Alternatives, Including the Proposed Action

2.1 Proposed Action

    The proposed action is to decontaminate and remediate the OT-10 
training sites to release for unrestricted use as delineated in 10 CFR 
part 20, subpart E, that being 25 mrem/year total effective dose 
equivalent (TEDE) to the critical group (i.e., resident farmer 
    The ultimate goal of the decommissioning is to release the OT-10 
training sites from the USAF Master Materials License. The general 
decommissioning would result in the excavation of the source material 
from the OT-10 training sites to meet the unrestricted use criteria. 
The excavated material would be transported to a licensed low-level 
radioactive waste (LLRW) facility (e.g., Envirocare of Utah) for 
disposal. The unimportant quantities of source material, as defined in 
10 CFR 40.13, would be shipped to a burial facility (e.g., West Control 
Specialist (WCS) facility in Andrews, TX). Following any necessary 
remediation, the licensee would perform final status surveys in the 
area in accordance with the NRC approved DP.

2.2 Alternatives to the Proposed Action

    There are no alternatives to the proposed actions besides taking no 

2.2.1 No Action

    NRC considered the no-action alternative relative to USAF's request 
for approval of the DP. The no-action alternative would mean that NRC 
would not approve the DP and, therefore, would not be able to amend the 
license. The no-action alternative is not acceptable because it would 
conflict with NRC's requirement in 10 CFR 40.42, ``Expiration and 
termination of Licenses and Decommissioning of Sites and Separate 
Buildings or Outdoor Areas,'' of timely remediation at facilities or 
outdoor areas that have ceased NRC licensed operations. Therefore, the 
no-action alternative is not considered to be reasonable and is not 
analyzed further in this EA.

3.0 Affected Environment

    Eight training sites were established in November 1961 in the 
north-central part of Kirtland AFB, which is located in Albuquerque, 
New Mexico (USAF, 2001b). Training activities were discontinued at four 
of the training sites in 1990. These four training sites, designated as 
OT-10 under the USAF's Installation and Restoration Program, are 
located south of Pennsylvania Avenue, on Kirtland AFB. TS8 was also 
used as a storage site and has two storage bunkers located within its 
fenced area. In addition, TS6 contains solid waste management unit 
(SWMU) SS-69, a 50-ft by 50-ft fenced area previously used to store 
drums of thorium oxide sludge, contaminated soil and waste fuels. SWMU 
SS-69 is managed as a separate corrective action unit under Kirtland 
AFB's Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) part B permit.
    The following sections provide detailed information on the specific 
environmental resources and subject areas relevant to the nature of the 
proposed action.

3.1 Physiography, Geology and Soils

    Kirtland AFB is located on a high, semiarid piedmont alluvial plain 
and adjacent foothills, about 5 miles east of the Rio Grande. The 
alluvial plain is cut by the east-west trending Tijeras Arroyo, which 
drains into the Rio Grande. The western portion of Kirtland AFB lies 
within the Albuquerque-Belen Basin. The Albuquerque-Belen structural 
basin contains the through-flowing Rio Grande and lies within a series 
of grabens and structural basins called the Rio Grande Rift. The 
deposits consist of interbedded gravel, sand silt, and clay, the bulk 
of which are referred to as the Santa Fe Group. The soils types consist 
of Tome very fine sandy loam, Gila fine sandy loam, Bluepoint-Kokan 
association, Wink fine sandy loam and Tijeras gravelly fine sandy loam.
    The Santa Fe Group contains sediments which were deposited as an 
alluvial fan, playa and fluvial deposits that filled the subsiding 
basin. The thicknesses of most basin-fill deposits are greater than 
3,000 feet, although the thickness varies considerably because of 
faulting in the basin. The Santa Fe Group contains beds of 
unconsolidated to loosely consolidated sediment and interbedded 
volcanic rock. The materials range in size from boulders to clay.

3.2 Meteorology, Climatology, and Air Quality

    The climate at Kirtland AFB is typical of a high-desert plateau, 
with low precipitation, wide temperature extremes and typically, clear 
sunny days. The mean annual precipitation is about 8.4 inches and the 
mean annual snowfall is 1.25 inches. Summer rains typically account for 
nearly half of the annual moisture, in the form of brief but heavy 
local thunderstorms. The prevailing wind direction from May through 
October is south to southeast, and the mean wind speed is about 8 
knots. From November through April, the prevailing wind direction is 
north to northwest, and the mean wind speed is 7 knots.

3.3 Water Resources

    The four training sites are located in the Hydrogeologic Region of 
Kirtland AFB. The estimated hydrologic

[[Page 2080]]

conductivity in this unit ranges from less than 0.3 ft/day to greater 
than 30 ft/day. The depth to groundwater is between 300 to 500 ft. 
Groundwater is thought to be unconfined in the upper portion of the 
aquifer, but this may not be true in all areas. The uppermost aquifer 
occurs within the Santa Fe Group.
    A shallow saturation zone above the regional aquifer, approximately 
200 to 250 ft below ground surface has been identified in the 
Hydrogeologic Region. This zone is located adjacent to and northwest of 
the Kirtland AFB landfill. It is associated with either a system of 
multiple perched aquifers or a groundwater mound. The extent of a 
shallower saturation zone has not been defined and it is unknown if it 
exists in the vicinity of the four training sites.

3.4 Ecology

    The four former training sites that are to be decommissioned are in 
the Plains and Great Basin Grasslands. These grasslands are generally 
flat and open, lying from 4,900 to 7,500 feet in elevation. Common 
vegetation includes needle-and-thread, galleta grass, sand dropseed, 
grama grasses, Indian ricegrass, fourwing saltbush, broom snakeweed, 
sagebrush, winter fat, and yucca.
    According to the Kirtland AFB Integrated Natural Resource 
Management Plan, there are no known federally listed threatened or 
endangered species on the AFB. The western burrowing owl (Athene 
cunicularia hypugaea) is a federal species of concern that has been 
observed on Kirtland AFB. This bird nests in prairie dog towns. The 
loggerhead shrike (Lanius ludovicianus) is also a federal species of 
concern. Loggerhead shrikes occupy grassland, pinyon-juniper, and 
riparian habitats. This species has been observed on the AFB and is 
found in the area throughout the year.
    The gray vireo (Vireo vicinior) is the only state-listed threatened 
species known to be on the AFB. Gray vireos have been observed in 
ungrazed juniper woodland at the base of the western foothills of the 
Manzanita Mountains at elevations between 5,900 and 6,600 feet. This 
area is located in the easternmost portion of the AFB. Site OT-10 would 
not present attractive habitat to the gray vireo because of its 
distance from vireo nesting areas.
    Critical habitats are those areas considered essential for 
maintaining or restoring threatened or endangered species populations. 
Neither the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish nor the U.S. Fish 
and Wildlife Service has designated or identified any critical habitat 
on the AFB.

3.5 Noise

    The land use for the training sites and surrounding areas is 
classified as public or institutional and noise generated by the 
proposed decommissioning would not affect residents. Noise is 
quantified by decibels (dB), weighted by a day-night average sound 
level (DNL). A DNL of 65 dB is often utilized in planning and 
represents a compromise between community impact and the need for 
aviation and industrial activities. Areas exposed to DNL above 65 dB 
are generally not considered suitable for residential use. The DNL in 
and around the runways at Kirtland AFB typically exceeds 65 dB. 
Therefore, the immediate areas surrounding the base runways, including 
the proposed decommissioning area, are not classified for residential 
    Existing potential noise sources at Kirtland AFB are aircraft, 
firing ranges, explosive testing, and motor vehicles. An assessment of 
aircraft noise, including Kirtland aircraft operations, was performed 
at the Albuquerque International Sunport. The noise baseline attributed 
to aircraft noise in the proposed OT-10 decommissioning area is 65-70 
    Firing ranges and weapons training ranges contribute to moderate, 
localized noise impacts at Kirtland AFB. Harmful noise levels; that is, 
those exceeding 140 dB, from weapons testing activities remain within 
the boundaries/buffer zone of the Kirtland AFB. However, explosive 
detonations with noise levels of this magnitude are limited to 6-10 
tests per year.
    Off-road vehicle noise sources, including military transport and 
military weapons vehicles, are the primary sources of noise from the 
training and withdraw areas at Kirtland AFB. The military vehicles 
operate well below speeds of street traffic and measurements have shown 
that the military vehicles are up to 10 dB noisier than heavy trucks.
    Noise generated by motor vehicles is more prevalent in congested 
areas of Kirtland AFB. Motor vehicle noise was evaluated in a 1995 
Kirtland AFB study in a 24-hour traffic count at Gibson Gate and 
resulted in 71 dB, averaged over a 24-hour period.
    Noise impact analyses conducted for the current activities at the 
Kirtland AFB concluded that there are no adverse impacts to people or 
wildlife. Military training activities at the AFB are conducted in 
remote areas, buffered by land, and are restricted to authorized 

3.6 Historical and Cultural Resources

    The area directly surrounding the proposed project area was 
surveyed for cultural resources and one historic site was located. This 
site would not be disturbed by the proposed action. No other historic 
properties have been located surrounding the project area.

3.7 Summary of Radiological Conditions

    The four training sites which have been discontinued from use and 
have been identified by the USAF for decommissioning, were used to 
train U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), U.S. Department of Energy 
(DOE), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and other federal 
and state personnel in the detection of dispersed contamination 
resulting from simulated nuclear weapons accidents. Known quantities of 
Brazilian thorium oxide sludge were applied and tilled into site soils 
to simulate dispersed radiological contamination. The thorium oxide 
sludge served as a low hazard analog for plutonium. A total estimated 
inventory of approximately 602 kilograms (kg) of thorium-232 was 
applied at the inactive sites. The estimated thorium-232 inventory, by 
site, is presented in the following table.

                                                          Approximate area   Approximate area
                     Training site                        of site in acres   contaminated in   Estimated thorium-
                                                             (hectares)      acres (hectares)       232 (kg)
TS5....................................................          13 (5.26)        1.7 (0.687)                215
TS6....................................................          19 (7.69)         6.7 (2.71)                307
TS7....................................................           8 (3.23)         0.6 (0.24)                 36
TS8....................................................           2 (0.81)         0.4 (0.16)                 44

[[Page 2081]]

     USAF had characterized the OT-10 training sites during four 
investigations between 1988 and 2001. The first investigation was a 
limited site survey conducted between December 1985 and January 1990. 
The first extensive scan investigation was performed between October 
1994 and May 1995, which included surface gamma surveys and soil 
sampling to delineate the general extent of the contamination. The most 
recent investigation was conducted in 1996 and 1998 and included an 
assessment of radionuclides and chemicals in the background soil and 
contaminated soil in the training sites, geophysical surveys of the 
sites, a health physics assessment and radionuclide grain size 
analysis. During the 2001 survey, the licensee selected a non-impacted 
background area and performed extensive analyses for background data. 
Additionally, the licensee performed building surveys of the two 
bunkers located in TS8.
    The quantities and concentrations of thorium-232 contaminated soil 
above background, at the four training sites are summarized in the 
following table. The data was taken from the results of the 1994 to 
1995 investigation.

                                                                                                   Range of Th-
                                                       Soil        Avg depth of     Avg Th-232          232
                  Training site                    contaminated    contamination   concentration   concentration
                                                      (yd\3\)          (in)           (pCi/g)         (pCi/g)
TS5.............................................           5,637              16            67.9       2.2-421.6
TS6.............................................          15,599              16           100.8       2.8-683.4
TS7.............................................              60              16            55.4         2.3-466
TS8.............................................           6,223              16            76.4     2.1-1,047.9

    Approximately 9.2 acres (3.7 hectares) of the 43.2 acre (17.48 
hectares) site are impacted with Brazilian thorium oxide sludge. The 
contaminants of potential concern associated with thorium oxide sludge 
include thorium-232 and its decay progeny and to a lesser extent, 
uranium-238 and its decay progeny. The extent of contamination is 
limited to the immediate vicinity of the training sites and to a 
maximum depth of 5 feet (1.524 meters) below ground surface. The 
vertical extent of ground contamination is typically 1-2 feet ( 0.61 
meters) below ground surface. An estimated 27,500 cubic yards yd\3\ 
(21,025 m\3\) are radiologically contaminated.
    The licensee considered five environmental pathways for the 
determination of the DCGL based on the conceptual modeling for Kirtland 
AFB. These five pathways include: external radiation, inhalation of 
particulates and radon, ingestion of soil and plant foods. There are no 
indications of contamination migration into surface water drainages or 

3.7.1 Radiological Status of Structures and Equipment

    The DP outlines procedures for decommissioning Buildings 28005 and 
28010 at training site TS8. The contamination on the interior surfaces 
of these storage bunkers exceeds the limits established in 10 CFR 
20.1402, for the radiological criteria for unrestricted use for 
building surfaces. The interior surfaces of the bunkers would be 
cleaned and tested to determine if the remaining contamination level is 
acceptable. Demolition and disposal of these buildings would be 
performed if the contamination cannot be removed. Additionally, the 
licensee has established action levels that would ensure effluent 
releases generated during decommissioning activities, such as scabbling 
or demolition, are below the levels allowed by 10 CFR part 20. The NRC 
would require the USAF to comply with the regulations established in 10 
CFR part 20, to ensure the doses would be bounded by 25 mrem.

3.7.2 Radiological Status of Surface and Subsurface Soils

    The licensee performed analysis of collected soil samples, scanning 
measurements and used historical information to classify soil survey 
units. The licensee calculated concentration guidelines for surface 
contamination of soils in the impacted areas of the training sites 
using RESRAD code, Version 6.1. The DCGLs would define the maximum 
amount of residual contamination in soils that would satisfy the NRC's 
regulations in 10 CFR part 20, subpart E, ``Radiological Criteria for 
License Termination.''

4.0 Environmental Impacts

    There are limited potential short-term environmental impacts 
associated with the proposed decommissioning activities. The following 
sections discuss possible impacts on the environment resulting from 
approval of the DP.

4.1 Non-Radiological Impacts

    Completion of the decommissioning activities would allow for 
unrestricted use of the site. The proposed decommissioning action would 
have a positive environmental impact on the area since low-level 
radioactive contamination would be removed from the soil above the 

4.1.1 Land Use and Socioeconomic Impacts

    This action would not have an adverse impact on future land use. 
Kirtland AFB has used the training sites since they were established in 
1961. Remediation activities would provide a long-term positive impact 
to local socioeconomic conditions. Currently, land areas at Site OT-10 
cannot be used for activities other than radiological training because 
dose rates associated with contamination there can exceed 25 mrem/year. 
Removal of radiologically contaminated materials would free the sites 
for recreational, residential, and/or industrial use. In addition, 
removal of Site OT-10 from administrative controls would release 
economic resources for use elsewhere.

4.1.2 Air Quality

    There are no expected adverse impacts to air quality as a result of 
planned decommissioning activities. There would be a slight increase in 
dust emissions during the removal of the contaminated soil; however, 
there is little likelihood that airborne radioactive material would be 
a problem on the site during any operation conducted for the 
remediation. USAF would minimize the potential for airborne effluent 
releases by using light water spray to suppress the dust during 
activities that could generate significant quantities of dust. 
Activities that could generate significant quantities of dust include 
the excavation of the soil, processing and packaging of the remediated 
soil into the intermodal containers. Heavily traveled, clean areas 
would also be sprayed lightly.

4.1.3 Water Resources

    This action would not have an adverse impact on water resources. 
The Kirtland AFB OT-10 training sites are not located in a flood plain 
of any streams or rivers. There are no wetlands located in the project 
area. There would

[[Page 2082]]

be no water bodies diverted in order to remediate the training sites. 
Accumulating rainwater in affected areas would be dammed, mixed with 
contaminated soils, and/or left to evaporate. Only small quantities of 
water would be used for dust suppression.

4.1.4 Ecological Resources

    No long-term impacts to ecological resources are expected. However, 
short term impacts to flora and fauna would occur. The excavated areas 
would be graded to match pre-decommissioning topography and replaced 
with natural vegetation to blend with the landscape. The shrubs and 
grasses removed from radiologically impacted land areas would be 
replaced at the end of the project. Burrowing animals would likely 
leave the site during decommissioning activities and return when site 
vegetation has reestablished.
    Kirtland AFB consulted with state and federal caretakers of natural 
heritage information. The licensee reviewed the Kirtland AFB Integrated 
Natural Resources Management Plan and Threatened and Endangered Species 
Survey of Kirtland AFB, New Mexico. According to the Kirtland AFB 
Integrated Natural Resource Management Plan, there are no known 
federally listed threatened or endangered species on the AFB. The New 
Mexico Natural Heritage Program (NMNHP) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife 
Service (USFWS) were specifically requested to search their records for 
information on threatened or endangered species in the geographic areas 
where the decommissioning activities would occur; that is, Bernalillo 
County, Township 9 North, Range 4 East, Sections 7, 8, 9, 16, 17, and 
18. The NMNHP and the USFWS determined that the proposed 
decommissioning activities would have no effect on federally listed 
endangered or threatened species.
    The western burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia hypugaea) is a 
federal species of concern that has been observed on Kirtland AFB. 
Kirtland AFB personnel would survey the OT-10 sites immediately prior 
to decommissioning activities. If encountered, burrowing owls would be 
relocated, as documented in the DP.

4.1.5 Noise Impacts

    Because noise levels are expected to exceed regulatory limits, site 
contractors would be required to apply hearing protection measures to 
protect workers. The storage bunkers which may be demolished, would be 
performed using a backhoe equipped with shears and/or jackhammer. 
According to the study at the University of Washington, these 
activities have a mean 1-minute noise level of 86.1 dB. The noise 
generated from the decommissioning activities result from excavating 
equipment (front-end loader, dozer, and backhoe), a crane, water 
trucks, and light and heavy truck traffic. Soil in hot spots would be 
excavated from the surface to an estimated depth of 1 to 2 feet below 
the ground surface, using a backhoe. Soil in areas of dispersed 
contamination would be removed using a dozer. Front-end loaders or 
backhoes would transfer the contaminated soil, surface debris, and 
vegetation into steel intermodal containers. A crane would transfer the 
intermodal containers to transport trucks. All construction activities 
would occur during daytime hours. According to a study conducted by the 
University of Washington, the average noise generated at construction 
sites during ``site preparation'' is 82.7 affective decibels (dBA). 
Site preparation (site grading, debris and vegetation removal) noise 
levels are assumed comparable to the activities associated with the 
proposed decommissioning. In addition, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 
(USACE) set a noise exposure limit for construction sites of 85 dBA, 
which is consistent with National Institute for Occupational Safety and 
Health and U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 
limits (90 dBA, 29 CFR 1910.95).

4.1.6 Historical and Cultural Resources Impact

    The Site OT-10 decommissioning activities pose no long or short-
term impacts to cultural/historical resources. After surveying for 
cultural resources, one historic site was located. However, this site 
would not be disturbed by the proposed action. No other historic 
properties have been located surrounding the project area. Therefore, 
the proposed project would have no adverse effect to historic 
properties or cultural resources. If cultural resources, including 
Indian artifacts, are found within the project area during 
decommissioning, work would discontinue and Kirtland AFB personnel 
would follow procedures outlined in the Kirtland AFB Cultural Resource 
Management Plan. By letter dated, April 9, 2002, the New Mexico State 
Historic Preservation Officer stated that this project would have a no 
adverse effect to historic properties.

4.1.7 Visual Resources

    Only short-term impacts to site aesthetics would occur. 
Construction equipment would obstruct views. However, there are no 
homes near the training sites which would be impacted. The shrubs and 
grasses removed from radiologically impacted land areas would be 
replaced at the end of the project. In addition, removal of debris and 
fences and potentially the Bunkers 28005 and 28010 at training site 
TS8, would improve site aesthetics.

4.1.8 Transportation

    It is estimated there would be 1370 intermodal containers of 
contaminated soil and debris shipped offsite. Each truck would carry 
one intermodal container loaded with approximately 19 cubic yards of 
waste. It is estimated that 10 to 12 trucks will leave the base per 
day, 5 days per week for 7 to 8 months. There would be approximately 
685 shipments by truck and/or rail to Envirocare of Utah in Clive, 
Utah, and 685 shipments by truck to Waste Control Specialists in 
Andrews County, Texas. Containers shipped to Envirocare will travel 
west on Gibson Boulevard to either Interstate 25 (truck shipments) or 
rail siding at 100 Woodward Road (rail shipments). If rail transport is 
utilized, the intermodal containers would be loaded onto six-position 
railcars with approximately 115 railcars utilized to transport the 
intermodals. Containers destined for WCS will travel north on Eubank 
Boulevard then west on Interstate 40 and south on State Highway 285.
    The addition of 10 to 12 trucks to a documented traffic volume on 
Gibson Boulevard of 27,000 to 45,000 vehicles per day poses a 
negligible impact to traffic volume (TransCore, 2001). Ten to 12 trucks 
add less than 0.03 to 0.04 percent to the daily vehicle load.
    Under normal operating conditions there is no expected dose to 
vehicle operators and members of the public, since the wastes are of 
low activity and would be shipped in U.S. DOT-compliant, strong-tight 
containers. The only radiological risks associated with the transport 
of the wastes would involve the cleanup of any spilled material. In the 
unlikely event that a spill were to occur during transport, 
radiological controls would most likely be implemented during the 
cleanup of the spilled waste material. Therefore, the risks associated 
with the transport of the waste material is minimal.

4.1.9 Occupational Health Impacts

    Short and long-term impacts to human health, in terms of industrial 
hygiene, are possible. A Site-Specific Health and Safety Plan (HSP) 
that addresses known and reasonably anticipated health and safety 
hazards would be provided to site workers

[[Page 2083]]

(USAF, 2001a). The HSP is intended to provide enough information to 
site personnel to prevent and minimize personal injuries, illnesses, 
and physical damage to equipment, supplies, and property. The HSP 
contains a code of safe practices for oversight activities on this 
project. Contractors performing heavy equipment operations would be 
required to submit activity hazard analyses covering work means and 
methods and the anticipated hazards and controls.

4.2 Radiological Impacts

    Occupational doses to decommissioning workers are expected to be 
low and well within the limits of 10 CFR part 20. No radiation exposure 
to any member of the public is expected, and public exposure would 
therefore also be less than the applicable public exposure limits of 10 
CFR part 20. In addition, the licensee would install a security fence 
around each training site to control access and prevent unauthorized, 
untrained or unprotected personnel from entering the site. Therefore, 
the environmental impacts from the proposed action are expected to be 
    Short and long-term impacts to human health due to radiological 
exposure are not expected. These include the potential release to the 
environment of airborne effluents, which may contain low-levels of 
radioactive contamination during certain activities such as excavation, 
packaging and waste transportation. NRC regulation 10 CFR part 20 
specifies the maximum amounts of radioactive materials that a licensee 
can release from a site in the form of either airborne or liquid 
effluents. The licensee has described in the DP, the controls 
established when these activities are being conducted. The controls 
include the use of light water spray to control the emissions of dust 
and work area particulate sampling. Site controls would be implemented 
to prevent unauthorized, untrained, or unprotected personnel from 
entering the site, to limit the spread of contamination, and to reduce 
the radiation exposures to safe ALARA levels. A radiation safety 
program would be implemented to protect site workers.
    The licensee performed analysis of collected soil samples, scanning 
measurements and used historical information to classify soil survey 
units. The licensee calculated concentration guidelines for surface 
contamination of soils in the impacted areas of the training sites 
using RESRAD code, version 6.1. The DCGLs would define the maximum 
amount of residual contamination in soils that would satisfy the NRC's 
regulations in 10 CFR part 20, subpart E, ``Radiological Criteria for 
License Termination.'' The NRC would not approve the DP unless it met 
the 25 mrem for unrestricted release criteria and the doses would be 
bounded by 25 mrem.
    Additionally, the interior surfaces of the bunkers would be cleaned 
and tested to determine if the remaining contamination level is 
acceptable. Demolition and disposal of these buildings would be 
performed if the contamination cannot be removed. Additionally, the 
licensee has established action levels that would ensure effluent 
releases generated during decommissioning activities, such as scabbling 
or demolition, are below the levels allowed by 10 CFR part 20. The NRC 
would require the USAF to comply with the regulations established in 10 
CFR part 20, to ensure the doses would be bounded by 25 mrem.

4.3 Cumulative Impacts

    The NRC has evaluated whether cumulative environmental impacts 
could result from an incremental impact of the proposed action when 
added to other past, present, or reasonably foreseeable future actions 
in the area. The proposed NRC approval of the DP, when combined with 
known effects on resource areas at the site, are not anticipated to 
result in any cumulative impacts at the site.

5.0 Monitoring

    The licensee has described in the DP the controls established when 
activities are being conducted which may have the potential of 
releasing airborne effluents to the environment. The USAF would 
implement an environmental air monitoring program. Daily air monitoring 
would be performed to quantify the amount of alpha radiation being 
generated by invasive (e.g., clearing, grubbing, excavating and 
loading) decommissioning activities. The controls established include 
the use of ambient air and exposure monitoring and monitoring of 
personnel. The NRC would require the USAF to comply with the 
regulations established in 10 CFR part 20, which specifies the maximum 
amount of radiological materials that a licensee can release from a 
site in the form of either airborne or liquid effluents. The licensee 
has established action levels that would ensure that effluent releases 
during decommissioning activities are below the levels allowed in 10 
CFR part 20. The licensee has committed to implementing a health 
physics program for the protection of the workers and the environment.

6.0 Conclusions

    Based on its review, the NRC staff has concluded that the 
environmental impacts associated with the proposed action are not 
significant, and therefore, do not warrant denial of the license 
amendment request. The NRC staff believes that the proposed action 
would result in minimal environmental impacts. The staff has determined 
that the proposed action of decommissioning Site OT-10 to the 
remediation levels would result in reduced residual contamination 
levels at Kirtland AFB training sites, enabling release of the areas 
for unrestricted use and termination of the area from the Air Force 
Master Materials License, is the appropriate alternative for selection.

7.0 Agencies and Persons Consulted

    The NRC staff has prepared this environmental assessment (EA) with 
input from the State of New Mexico's Office of Cultural Affair, by 
letter dated April 9, 2002, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, by 
letter dated March 28, 2002. By letter dated February 7, 2002, after 
considering the documentation submitted by the licensee concerning the 
location of the decommissioning project, the State of New Mexico's 
Natural Heritage Program determined that there were no records of 
special interest species affected by the referenced project. In its 
letter, the State of New Mexico's Office of Cultural Affairs indicated 
that the proposed action would not adversely affect any historic 
properties. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, indicated in its 
letter, that the described action would have no effect on listed 
species, wetlands, or other important wildlife resources. The staff 
provided a draft of this EA to the State of New Mexico for review. This 
EA was revised to reflect the State's input where appropriate. 
Accordingly, it has been determined that a finding of no significant 
impact is appropriate.
    The Department of the Air Force's request for the proposed action 
was previously noticed in the Federal Register on 66 FR 33579, on 
Friday, June 22, 2001, along with a notice of opportunity to request a 
hearing and an opportunity to provide public comment on the action and 
its environmental impacts.
    The Department of the Air Force's request for the proposed action 
and other related documents are available for inspection at NRC's 
Public Electronic Reading Room at http://www.nrc.gov/NRC/ADAMS/index.html. The DP may be found in ADAMS at

[[Page 2084]]

Accession Numbers ML011560740 and ML023390060; while other 
documentation may be found at ML022490164 and ML022490363. Any 
questions with respect to this action should be referred to D. Blair 
Spitzberg, Ph.D., Chief, Fuel Cycle and Decommissioning Branch, 
Division of Nuclear Materials Safety, Region IV, U.S. Nuclear 
Regulatory Commission, 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 400, Arlington, 
Texas, 76011-4005. Telephone: (817) 860-8191, fax number (817) 860-

    Dated in Arlington, Texas, this 8th day of January, 2003.

    For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
D. Blair Spitzberg,
Chief, Fuel Cycle Decommissioning Branch, Division of Nuclear Materials 
Safety, Region IV.
[FR Doc. 03-862 Filed 1-14-03; 8:45 am]