[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 219 (Wednesday, November 12, 2008)]
[Pages 66895-66896]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E8-26846]




Science Advisory Board Staff Office; Clean Air Scientific 
Advisory Committee (CASAC); Notification of a Public Advisory Committee 
Teleconference of the CASAC Oxides of Nitrogen Primary NAAQS Review 

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

[[Page 66896]]

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Science Advisory 
Board (SAB) Staff Office announces a public teleconference of the Clean 
Air Scientific Advisory Committee's (CASAC) Oxides of Nitrogen Primary 
NAAQS Review Panel (Panel) to review EPA's completed Risk and Exposure 
Assessment to Support the Review of the NO2 Primary National 
Ambient Air Quality Standard and to provide advice for EPA to consider 
as it develops its Advance Notice for Proposed Rulemaking for nitrogen 

DATES: The teleconference will be held on December 5, 2008 from 1 p.m. 
to 3 p.m. (Eastern Daylight Time).
    Location: The public teleconference will be conducted by telephone 

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Members of the public who wish to 
obtain the call-in number and access code to participate in the 
teleconference may contact Dr. Angela Nugent, Designated Federal 
Officer (DFO), EPA Science Advisory Board (1400F), U.S. Environmental 
Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20460; 
via telephone/voice mail (202) 343-9981; fax (202) 233-0643; or e-mail 
at nugent.angela@epa.gov. General information concerning the CASAC and 
the CASAC documents cited below can be found on the EPA Web site at 

    Background: The Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) was 
established under section 109(d)(2) of the Clean Air Act (CAA or Act) 
(42 U.S.C. 7409) as an independent scientific advisory committee. CASAC 
provides advice, information, and recommendations on the scientific and 
technical aspects of air quality criteria and national ambient air 
quality standards (NAAQS) under sections 108 and 109 of the Act. The 
CASAC is a Federal advisory committee chartered under the Federal 
Advisory Committee Act (FACA), as amended, 5 U.S.C., App. The Panel 
will comply with the provisions of FACA and all appropriate SAB Staff 
Office procedural policies.
    Section 109(d)(1) of the CAA requires that the Agency periodically 
review and revise, as appropriate, the air quality criteria and the 
NAAQS for the six ``criteria'' air pollutants, including oxides of 
nitrogen (NOX). EPA is in the process of reviewing the 
primary NAAQS for nitrogen dioxide (NO2), an indicator for 
NOX. Primary standards set limits to protect public health, 
including the health of ``sensitive'' populations such as asthmatics, 
children, and the elderly.
    As part of its scientific advice to support EPA's review of the 
primary NAAQS for nitrogen dioxide (NO2), CASAC met on 
September 9-10, 2008 to conduct a peer review of the Risk and Exposure 
Assessment to Support the Review of the NO2 Primary National 
Ambient Air Quality Standard: Second Draft (73 FR 43444-43445). At that 
time, EPA had not completed chapter eight of the draft assessment 
entitled ``Exposure and Health Risk Characterization.'' CASAC also held 
a public teleconference on October 22, 2008 to conduct a peer review of 
the draft chapter 8 (73 FR 55074-55075).
    The public may access completed CASAC advisory reports related to 
the primary NO2 NAAQS, including the CASAC reports on the 
Risk and Exposure Assessment to Support the Review of the 
NO2 Primary National Ambient Air Quality Standard: Second 
Draft, on the EPA Web site at http://yosemite.epa.gov/sab/sabproduct.nsf/WebReportsbyTopicCASAC!OpenView.
    EPA now plans that the final document will include an additional 
chapter (chapter 10) that considers the scientific evidence and 
exposure-risk-based information specifically as it relates to the 
current and potential alternative standards. At the December 5, 2008 
teleconference, the CASAC will review EPA's completed Risk and Exposure 
Assessment and provide advice for EPA to consider as it develops its 
Advance Notice for Proposed Rulemaking for nitrogen dioxide.
    Technical Contact: Any questions concerning Risk and Exposure 
Assessment to Support the Review of the NO2 Primary National 
Ambient Air Quality Standard should be directed to Dr. Scott Jenkins, 
OAR (by telephone (919) 541-1167 or e-mail jenkins.scott@epa.gov.
    Availability of Meeting Materials: EPA's Risk and Exposure 
Assessment to Support the Review of the NO2 Primary National 
Ambient Air Quality Standard will be accessible via the Agency's Office 
of Air Quality Planning and Standards Web site at http://www.epa.gov/ttn/naaqs/standards/nox/s_nox_cr_rea.html on or about November 21, 
2008. Agendas and materials supporting the teleconference will be 
placed on the EPA Web site before the meeting on the CASAC meeting 
page, accessible through the calendar link on the blue navigation bar 
at http://www.epa.gov/casac.
    Procedures for Providing Public Input: Interested members of the 
public may submit relevant written or oral information for the CASAC 
Panel to consider during the advisory process. Oral Statements: 
Interested members of the public may submit relevant written or oral 
information for the SAB Panel to consider during the advisory process. 
Oral Statements: In general, individuals or groups requesting an oral 
presentation at a public teleconference will be limited to three 
minutes per speaker, with no more than a total of 30 minutes for all 
speakers. Interested parties should contact Dr. Angela Nugent, DFO, in 
writing (preferably via e-mail) by December 1, 2008 at the contact 
information noted above to be placed on the public speaker list for 
this meeting. Written Statements: Written statements for the public 
meeting should be received by Dr. Angela Nugent at the contact 
information above by December 1, 2008, so that the information may be 
made available to the Panel for their consideration prior to the 
teleconference. Written statements should be supplied to the DFO in the 
following formats: one hard copy with original signature (optional), 
and one electronic copy via e-mail (acceptable file format: Adobe 
Acrobat PDF, MS Word, MS PowerPoint, or Rich Text files in IBM-PC/
Windows 98/2000/XP format).
    Accessibility: For information on access or services for 
individuals with disabilities, please contact Dr. Nugent at the phone 
number or e-mail address noted above, preferably at least ten days 
prior to the teleconference, to give EPA as much time as possible to 
process your request.

    Dated: November 5, 2008.
Anthony F. Maciorowski,
Deputy Director, EPA Science Advisory Board Staff Office.
[FR Doc. E8-26846 Filed 11-10-08; 8:45 am]