[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 250 (Thursday, December 31, 2009)]
[Pages 69468-69500]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E9-30881]

[[Page 69467]]


Part III

Department of Housing and Urban Development


Notice of Regulatory Waiver Requests Granted for the Third Quarter of 
Calendar Year 2009; Notice

Federal Register / Vol. 74 , No. 250 / Thursday, December 31, 2009 / 

[[Page 69468]]



[Docket No. FR-5324-N-03]

Notice of Regulatory Waiver Requests Granted for the Third 
Quarter of Calendar Year 2009

AGENCY: Office of the General Counsel, HUD.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: Section 106 of the Department of Housing and Urban Development 
Reform Act of 1989 (the HUD Reform Act) requires HUD to publish 
quarterly Federal Register notices of all regulatory waivers that HUD 
has approved. Each notice covers the quarterly period since the 
previous Federal Register notice. The purpose of this notice is to 
comply with the requirements of section 106 of the HUD Reform Act. This 
notice contains a list of regulatory waivers granted by HUD during the 
period beginning on July 1, 2009 and ending on September 30, 2009.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For general information about this 
notice, contact Camille E. Acevedo, Associate General Counsel for 
Legislation and Regulations, Office of General Counsel, Department of 
Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street, SW., Room 10282, 
Washington, DC 20410-0500, telephone 202-708-1793 (this is not a toll-
free number). Persons with hearing- or speech-impairments may access 
this number through TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Information 
Relay Service at 800-877-8339.
    For information concerning a particular waiver that was granted and 
for which public notice is provided in this document, contact the 
person whose name and address follow the description of the waiver 
granted in the accompanying list of waivers that have been granted in 
the third quarter of calendar year 2009.

    Section 106 of the HUD Reform Act added a new section 7(q) to the 
Department of Housing and Urban Development Act (42 U.S.C. 3535(q)), 
which provides that:
    1. Any waiver of a regulation must be in writing and must specify 
the grounds for approving the waiver;
    2. Authority to approve a waiver of a regulation may be delegated 
by the Secretary only to an individual of Assistant Secretary or 
equivalent rank, and the person to whom authority to waive is delegated 
must also have authority to issue the particular regulation to be 
    3. Not less than quarterly, the Secretary must notify the public of 
all waivers of regulations that HUD has approved, by publishing a 
notice in the Federal Register. These notices (each covering the period 
since the most recent previous notification) shall:
    a. Identify the project, activity, or undertaking involved;
    b. Describe the nature of the provision waived and the designation 
of the provision;
    c. Indicate the name and title of the person who granted the waiver 
    d. Describe briefly the grounds for approval of the request; and
    e. State how additional information about a particular waiver may 
be obtained.
    Section 106 of the HUD Reform Act also contains requirements 
applicable to waivers of HUD handbook provisions that are not relevant 
to the purpose of this notice.
    This notice follows procedures provided in HUD's Statement of 
Policy on Waiver of Regulations and Directives issued on April 22, 1991 
(56 FR 16337), as revised and updated by the notice issued on December 
17, 2008 (73 FR 76674). In accordance with those procedures and with 
the requirements of section 106 of the HUD Reform Act, waivers of 
regulations are granted by the Assistant Secretary with jurisdiction 
over the regulations for which a waiver was requested. In those cases 
in which a General Deputy Assistant Secretary granted the waiver, the 
General Deputy Assistant Secretary was serving in the absence of the 
Assistant Secretary in accordance with the office's Order of 
    This notice covers waivers of regulations granted by HUD from July 
1, 2009 through September 30, 2009. For ease of reference, the waivers 
granted by HUD are listed by HUD program office (for example, the 
Office of Community Planning and Development, the Office of Fair 
Housing and Equal Opportunity, the Office of Housing, and the Office of 
Public and Indian Housing, etc.). Within each program office grouping, 
the waivers are listed sequentially by the regulatory section of title 
24 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) that is being waived. For 
example, a waiver of a provision in 24 CFR part 58 would be listed 
before a waiver of a provision in 24 CFR part 570.
    Where more than one regulatory provision is involved in the grant 
of a particular waiver request, the action is listed under the section 
number of the first regulatory requirement that appears in 24 CFR and 
that is being waived. For example, a waiver of both Sec.  58.73 and 
Sec.  58.74 would appear sequentially in the listing under Sec.  58.73.
    Waiver of regulations that involve the same initial regulatory 
citation are in time sequence beginning with the earliest-dated 
regulatory waiver.
    Should HUD receive additional information about waivers granted 
during the period covered by this report (the third quarter of calendar 
year 2009) before the next report is published (the fourth quarter of 
calendar year 2009), HUD will include any additional waivers granted 
for the second quarter in the next report.
    Accordingly, information about approved waiver requests pertaining 
to HUD regulations is provided in the Appendix that follows this 

    Dated: December 23, 2009.
Helen R. Kanovsky,
General Counsel.


Listing of Waivers of Regulatory Requirements Granted by Offices of the 
Department of Housing and Urban Development July 1, 2009 Through 
September 30, 2009

    Note to Reader: More information about the granting of these 
waivers, including a copy of the waiver request and approval, may be 
obtained by contacting the person whose name is listed as the contact 
person directly after each set of regulatory waivers granted.
    The regulatory waivers granted appear in the following order:

I. Regulatory waivers granted by the Office of Community Planning 
and Development
II. Regulatory waivers granted by the Office of Housing
III. Regulatory waivers granted by the Office of Public and Indian 

I. Regulatory Waivers Granted by the Office of Community Planning and 

    For further information about the following regulatory waivers, 
please see the name of the contact person that immediately follows the 
description of the waiver granted.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 92.500 (d)(1)(C).
    Project/Activity: The City of Port Arthur, Texas requested a waiver 
of its June 30, 2009, deadline for expending more than $31,000 of HOME 
Investment Partnerships program funds. Disruptions caused by hurricanes 
Rita and Ike caused delays in committing and expending HOME funds.
    Nature of Requirement: The HOME regulations at 24 CFR 
92.500(d)(1)(C) require that a participating jurisdiction (PJ) expend 
its annual allocation of HOME funds within five years after HUD 
notifies the PJ that HUD has

[[Page 69469]]

executed the jurisdiction's HOME Investment Partnerships Agreement.
    Granted By: Mercedes M. M[aacute]rquez, Assistant Secretary for 
Community Planning and Development.
    Date Granted: September 25, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The waiver of the City's FY 2004 HOME expenditure 
deadline ensures that funds necessary for recovery from two major 
disasters are not deobligated.
    Contact: Ms. Virginia Sardone, Deputy Director, Office of 
Affordable Housing Programs, Office of Community and Urban Development, 
Office of Housing and Urban Development, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 7164, Washington, DC 
20410-7000, telephone number (202) 708-2470.

     Regulation: Notice of Allocations, Application Procedures, 
and Requirements for Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program Grantees under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 
2009 (Recovery Act), issued March 19, 2009 (HPRP Notice).
    Project/Activity: Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program (HPRP) grantee, the City of Jamestown, New York, requested a 
waiver of the application deadline.
    Nature of Requirement: Section IV.E.3 of the HPRP Notice provides 
that each eligible HPRP grantee must ensure that its complete 
application is postmarked no later than May 18, 2009, in order to 
receive funding.
    Granted By: Nelson R. Bregon, General Deputy Assistant Secretary 
for Community and Planning Development.
    Date Granted: June 25, 2009.
    Reason Waived: HUD approved the waiver because an extension of the 
application deadline would enable the City of Jamestown to fully 
develop an HPRP program by involving the local Continuum of Care 
partners through the Chautauqua County Homeless Coalition and providing 
adequate notice and opportunity for citizen participation in finalizing 
the Substantial Amendment.
    Contact: Ann M. Oliva, Director, Office of Special Needs Assistance 
Programs, Office of Community Planning and Development, Department of 
Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 7262, 
Washington, DC 20410-7000, telephone number (202) 708-4300.

     Regulation: Notice of Allocations, Application Procedures, 
and Requirements for Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program Grantees under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 
2009 (Recovery Act), issued March 19, 2009 (HPRP Notice).
    Project/Activity: Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program (HPRP) grantee, the City of Columbia, South Carolina, requested 
a waiver of the application deadline.
    Nature of Requirement: Section IV.E.3 of the HPRP Notice provides 
that each eligible HPRP grantee must ensure that its complete 
application is postmarked no later than May 18, 2009, in order to 
receive funding.
    Granted By: Nelson R. Bregon, General Deputy Assistant Secretary 
for Community Planning Development.
    Date Granted: June 25, 2009.
    Reason Waived: Due to a recent reorganization of the City's 
Community Development Department, the City was unable to submit a 
Substantial Amendment to its 2008 Consolidated Action Plan by May 18, 
2009, deadline. HUD approved this waiver because the need for the 
waiver was due to an unavoidable administrative barrier. The City hand-
delivered its Amendment to the local Field Office on May 19, 2009.
    Contact: Ann M. Oliva, Director, Office of Special Needs Assistance 
Programs, Office of Community Planning and Development, Department of 
Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 7262, 
Washington, DC 20410-7000, telephone number (202) 708-4300.

     Regulation: Notice of Allocations, Application Procedures, 
and Requirements for Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program Grantees under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 
2009 (Recovery Act), issued March 19, 2009 (HPRP Notice).
    Project/Activity: Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program (HPRP) grantee, the State of South Dakota, requested a waiver 
of the application deadline.
    Nature of Requirement: Section IV.E.3 of the HPRP Notice provides 
that each eligible HPRP grantee must ensure that its complete 
application is postmarked no later than May 18, 2009, in order to 
receive funding.
    Granted By: Mercedes Marquez, Assistant Secretary of Community 
Planning and Development.
    Date Granted: July 27, 2009.
    Reason Waived: HUD presented additional clarifications on the HPRP 
program during the time the State held its public comment period for 
its Substantial Amendment. In response to HUD clarifications, the State 
initiated modifications to its Substantial Amendment and invited public 
comments on its modified Amendment. The State requested an extension of 
the submission deadline in order to fully develop the HPRP program in 
light of HUD's clarifications and to provide adequate notice and 
opportunity for citizen participation in finalizing the Substantial 
Amendment. HUD granted the requested waiver upon this showing of good 
    Contact: Ann M. Oliva, Director, Office of Special Needs Assistance 
Programs, Office of Community Planning and Development, Department of 
Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 7262, 
Washington, DC 20410-7000, telephone number (202) 708-4300.

     Regulation: Notice of Allocations, Application Procedures, 
and Requirements for Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program Grantees under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 
2009 (Recovery Act), issued March 19, 2009 (HPRP Notice).
    Project/Activity: Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program (HPRP) grantee, the City of Portland, Oregon requested a waiver 
of the limitation on eligible subgrantees in order to subgrant HPRP 
funds to a local public housing authority (PHA).
    Nature of Requirement: Subsections III.B and III.C of the HPRP 
Notice provides that metropolitan cities, urban counties, and 
territories may distribute all or part of their grant amounts to 
private non-profit organizations or another local government.
    Granted By: Mercedes Marquez, Assistant Secretary for Community 
Planning and Development.
    Date Granted: July 27, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The City provided sufficient information for HUD to 
grant the waiver on the basis of the following: (1) HPRP participants 
will be selected in a manner that will ensure PHA residents are not 
unfairly selected over other eligible individuals and families; (2) 
utilizing the PHA as a subgrantee will result in an efficient and 
effective program that benefits HPRP participants; and (3) the PHA has 
proven capacity to serve homeless persons.
    Contact: Ann M. Oliva, Director, Office of Special Needs Assistance 
Programs, Office of Community Planning and Development, Department of 
Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 7262, 
Washington, DC 20410-7000, telephone number (202) 708-4300.

     Regulation: Notice of Allocations, Application Procedures, 
and Requirements for Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing

[[Page 69470]]

Program Grantees under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 
2009 (Recovery Act), issued March 19, 2009 (HPRP Notice).
    Project/Activity: Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program (HPRP) grantee, City of Mobile, Alabama requested a waiver of 
the limitation on eligible subgrantees in order to subgrant HPRP funds 
to a local public housing authority (PHA).
    Nature of Requirement: Subsections III.B and III.C of the HPRP 
Notice provides that metropolitan cities, urban counties, and 
territories may distribute all or part of their grant amounts to 
private non-profit organizations or another local government.
    Granted By: Mercedes Marquez, Assistant Secretary for Community 
Planning and Development.
    Date Granted: July 28, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The City provided sufficient information for HUD to 
grant the waiver on the basis of the following: (1) HPRP participants 
will be selected in a manner that will ensure Housing Authority 
residents are not unfairly selected over other eligible individuals and 
families; (2) utilizing the Housing Authority as a subgrantee will 
result in an efficient and effective program that benefits HPRP 
participants; and (3) the Housing Authority has proven capacity to 
serve homeless persons.
    Contact: Ann M. Oliva, Director, Office of Special Needs Assistance 
Programs, Office of Community Planning and Development, Department of 
Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 7262, 
Washington, DC 20410-7000, telephone number (202) 708-4300.

     Regulation: Notice of Allocations, Application Procedures, 
and Requirements for Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program Grantees under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 
2009 (Recovery Act), issued March 19, 2009 (HPRP Notice).
    Project/Activity: Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program (HPRP) grantee, the City of Saginaw, Michigan, requested a 
waiver of the resubmission deadline.
    Nature of Requirement: Section IV.F.2 of the HPRP Notice provides 
that each eligible HPRP grantee may revise and resubmit an application 
that HUD has disapproved within 15 days of the date that it was 
notified of the disapproval.
    Granted By: Mercedes Marquez, Assistant Secretary for Community 
Planning and Development.
    Date Granted: July 28, 2009.
    Reason Waived: On June 18, 2009, HUD disapproved the City's 
submission of the Substantial Amendment to the Consolidated Plan 2008 
Action Plan for HPRP because it was not responsive to one question. The 
revision was due on July 3, 2009, but the City indicated that the mayor 
is the authorized representative for the application and was 
unavailable to sign the grantee's revised Substantial Amendment for 
HPRP by the due date of July 3, 2009. The city submitted its revision 
on July 8, 2009. HUD approved this waiver because the need for the 
waiver was due to an unavoidable administrative barrier.
    Contact: Ann M. Oliva, Director, Office of Special Needs Assistance 
Programs, Office of Community Planning and Development, Department of 
Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 7262, 
Washington, DC 20410-7000, telephone number (202) 708-4300.

     Regulation: Notice of Allocations, Application Procedures, 
and Requirements for Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program Grantees under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 
2009 (Recovery Act), issued March 19, 2009 (HPRP Notice).
    Project/Activity: Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program (HPRP) grantee, County of Riverside, California requested a 
waiver of the limitation on eligible subgrantees in order to subgrant 
HPRP funds to a local public housing authority (PHA).
    Nature of Requirement: Subsections III.B and III.C of the HPRP 
Notice provides that metropolitan cities, urban counties, and 
territories may distribute all or part of their grant amounts to 
private non-profit organizations or another local government.
    Granted By: Mercedes Marquez, Assistant Secretary for Community 
Planning and Development.
    Date Granted: July 28, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The County provided sufficient information for HUD 
to grant the waiver on the basis of the following: (1) HPRP 
participants will be selected in a manner that will ensure PHA 
residents are not unfairly selected over other eligible individuals and 
families; (2) utilizing the PHA as a subgrantee will result in an 
efficient and effective program that benefit HPRP participants; and (3) 
the PHA has proven capacity to serve homeless persons.
    Contact: Ann M. Oliva, Director, Office of Special Needs Assistance 
Programs, Office of Community Planning and Development, Department of 
Housing and Urban Development 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 7262, 
Washington, DC 20410-7000, telephone number (202) 708-4300.

     Regulation: Notice of Allocations, Application Procedures, 
and Requirements for Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program Grantees under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 
2009 (Recovery Act), issued March 19, 2009 (HPRP Notice).
    Project/Activity: Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program (HPRP) grantee, County of Los Angeles, California requested a 
waiver of the limitation on eligible subgrantees in order to subgrant 
HPRP funds to the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA).
    Nature of Requirement: Subsections III.B. and III.C of the HPRP 
Notice provides that metropolitan cities, urban counties, and 
territories may distribute all or part of their grant amounts to 
private non-profit organizations or another local government.
    Granted By: Mercedes Marquez, Assistant Secretary for Community 
Planning and Development.
    Date Granted: August 6, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The County provided sufficient information for HUD 
to grant the waiver on the basis of the following: (1) HPRP 
participants will continue to be selected in a fair process; (2) 
utilizing LAHSA as a subgrantee will result in an efficient and 
effective program that benefits HPRP participants; and (3) LAHSA has 
the capacity to implement an HMIS to serve homeless families.
    Contact: Ann M. Oliva, Director, Office of Special Needs Assistance 
Programs, Office of Community Planning and Development, Department of 
Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 7262, 
Washington, DC 20410-7000, telephone number (202) 708-4300.

     Regulation: Notice of Allocations, Application Procedures, 
and Requirements for Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program Grantees under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 
2009 (Recovery Act), issued March 19, 2009 (HPRP Notice).
    Project/Activity: Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program (HPRP) grantee, City of Oceanside, California requested a 
waiver of the limitation on eligible subgrantees in order to subgrant 
HPRP funds to the Housing Authority of the City of Oceanside.
    Nature of Requirement: Subsections III.B and III.C of the HPRP 
Notice provides that metropolitan cities, urban counties, and 
territories may distribute all or part of their grant amounts to 
private non-profit organizations or another local government.

[[Page 69471]]

    Granted By: Mercedes Marquez, Assistant Secretary for Community 
Planning and Development.
    Date Granted: August 6, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The City provided sufficient information for HUD to 
grant the waiver on the basis of the following: (1) HPRP participants 
will be selected in a manner that will ensure Housing Authority 
residents are not unfairly selected over other eligible individuals and 
families; (2) utilizing the Housing Authority as a subgrantee will 
result in an efficient and effective program that benefits HPRP 
participants; and (3) the Housing Authority has proven capacity to 
serve homeless persons.
    Contact: Ann M. Oliva, Director, Office of Special Needs Assistance 
Programs, Office of Community Planning and Development, Department of 
Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 7262, 
Washington, DC 20410-7000, telephone number (202) 708-4300.

     Regulation: Notice of Allocations, Application Procedures, 
and Requirements for Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program Grantees under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 
2009 (Recovery Act), issued March 19, 2009 (HPRP Notice).
    Project/Activity: Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program (HPRP) grantee, City of Los Angeles, California requested a 
waiver of the limitation on eligible subgrantees in order to subgrant 
HPRP funds to the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) and 
the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles (HACLA).
    Nature of Requirement: Subsections III.B and III.C of the HPRP 
Notice provides that metropolitan cities, urban counties, and 
territories may distribute all or part of their grant amounts to 
private non-profit organizations or another local government.
    Granted By: Nelson R. Bregon, General Deputy Assistant Secretary 
for Community Planning and Development.
    Date Granted: August 6, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The City provided sufficient information for HUD to 
grant the waiver on the basis of the following: (1) HPRP participants 
will be selected in a manner that will ensure HACLA residents are not 
unfairly selected over other eligible individuals and families; (2) 
utilizing LAHSA and HACLA as a subgrantee will result in an efficient 
and effective program that benefits HPRP participants; and (3) LAHSA 
and HACLA have proven capacity to serve homeless persons.
    Contact: Ann M. Oliva, Director, Office of Special Needs Assistance 
Programs, Office of Community Planning and Development, Department of 
Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 7262, 
Washington, DC 20410-7000, telephone number (202) 708-4300.

     Regulation: Notice of Allocations, Application Procedures, 
and Requirements for Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program Grantees under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 
2009 (Recovery Act), issued March 19, 2009 (HPRP Notice).
    Project/Activity: Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program (HPRP) grantee, City of Riverside, California requested a 
waiver of the limitation on eligible subgrantees in order to subgrant 
HPRP funds to the Housing Authority of the County of Riverside (HACR).
    Nature of Requirement: Subsections III.B and III.C of the HPRP 
Notice provides that metropolitan cities, urban counties, and 
territories may distribute all or part of their grant amounts to 
private non-profit organizations or another local government.
    Granted By: Mercedes Marquez, Assistant Secretary for Community 
Planning and Development.
    Date Granted: August 6, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The City provided sufficient information for HUD to 
grant the waiver on the basis of the following: (1) HPRP participants 
will be selected in a manner that will ensure HACR residents are not 
unfairly selected over other eligible individuals and families; (2) 
utilizing the HACR as a subgrantee will result in an efficient and 
effective program that benefits HPRP participants; and (3) HACR has 
proven capacity to serve homeless persons.
    Contact: Ann M. Oliva, Director, Office of Special Needs Assistance 
Programs, Office of Community Planning and Development, Department of 
Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 7262, 
Washington, DC 20410-7000, telephone number (202) 708-4300.

     Regulation: Notice of Allocations, Application Procedures, 
and Requirements for Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program Grantees under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 
2009 (Recovery Act), issued March 19, 2009 (HPRP Notice).
    Project/Activity: Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program (HPRP) grantee, County of San Diego, California requested a 
waiver of the limitation on eligible subgrantees in order to subgrant 
HPRP funds to the Housing Authority of the County of San Diego.
    Nature of Requirement: Subsections III.B and III.C of the HPRP 
Notice provides that metropolitan cities, urban counties, and 
territories may distribute all or part of their grant amounts to 
private non-profit organizations or another local government.
    Granted By: Mercedes Marquez, Assistant Secretary for Community 
Planning and Development.
    Date Granted: August 6, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The City provided sufficient information for HUD to 
grant the waiver on the basis of the following: (1) HPRP participants 
will be selected in a manner that will ensure Housing Authority 
residents are not unfairly selected over other eligible individuals and 
families; (2) utilizing the Housing Authority as a subgrantee will 
result in an efficient and effective program that benefits HPRP 
participants; and (3) the Housing Authority has proven capacity to 
serve homeless persons.
    Contact: Ann M. Oliva, Director, Office of Special Needs Programs, 
Office of Community Planning and Development, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 7262, Washington, DC 
20410-7000, telephone number (202) 708-4300.

     Regulation: Notice of Allocations, Application Procedures, 
and Requirements for Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program Grantees under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 
2009 (Recovery Act), issued March 19, 2009 (HPRP Notice).
    Project/Activity: Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program (HPRP) grantee, County of Sonoma, California requested a waiver 
of the limitation on eligible subgrantees in order to subgrant HPRP 
funds to Sonoma County Housing Authority (SCHA).
    Nature of Requirement: Subsections III.B and III.C of the HPRP 
Notice provides that Metropolitan Cities, urban counties, and 
territories may distribute all or part of their grant amounts to 
private non-profit organizations or another local government.
    Granted By: Mercedes Marquez, Assistant Secretary for Community 
Planning and Development.
    Date Granted: August 11, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The County provided sufficient information for HUD 
to grant the waiver on the basis of the following: (1) HPRP 
participants will be selected in a manner that will ensure SCHA 
residents are not unfairly selected over other eligible individuals and 
families; (2) utilizing SCHA as a subgrantee will result in an 
efficient and effective

[[Page 69472]]

program that benefits HPRP participants; and (3) SCHA has proven 
capacity to serve homeless persons.
    Contact: Ann M. Oliva, Director, Office of Special Needs Assistance 
Programs, Office of Community Planning and Development, Department of 
Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 7262, 
Washington, DC 20410-7000, telephone number (202) 708-4300.

     Regulation: Notice of Allocations, Application Procedures, 
and Requirements for Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program Grantees under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 
2009 (Recovery Act), issued March 19, 2009 (HPRP Notice).
    Project/Activity: Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program (HPRP) grantee, City of Boise, Idaho requested a waiver of the 
limitation on eligible subgrantees in order to subgrant HPRP funds to 
the Boise City/Ada County Housing Authority (BC/ACHA).
    Nature of Requirement: Subsections III.B and III.C of the HPRP 
Notice provide that metropolitan cities, urban counties, and 
territories may distribute all or part of their grant amounts to 
private non-profit organizations or another local government.
    Granted By: Mercedes Marquez, Assistant Secretary for Community 
Planning and Development.
    Date Granted: August 11, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The City provided sufficient information for HUD to 
grant the waiver on the basis of the following: (1) HPRP participants 
will be selected in a manner that will ensure BC/ACHA residents are not 
unfairly selected over other eligible individuals and families; (2) 
utilizing BC/ACHA as a subgrantee will result in an efficient and 
effective program that benefits HPRP participants; and (3) BC/ACHA has 
proven capacity to serve homeless persons.
    Contact: Ann M. Oliva, Director, Office of Special Needs Assistance 
Programs, Office of Community Planning and Development, Department of 
Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 7262, 
Washington, DC 20410-7000, telephone number (202) 708-4300.

     Regulation: Notice of Allocations, Application Procedures, 
and Requirements for Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program Grantees under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 
2009 (Recovery Act), issued March 19, 2009 (HPRP Notice).
    Project/Activity: Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program (HPRP) grantee, City of Compton, California requested a waiver 
of the limitation on eligible subgrantees in order to subgrant HPRP 
funds to the Compton Housing Authority.
    Nature of Requirement: Subsections III.B and III.C of the HPRP 
Notice provides that metropolitan cities, urban counties, and 
territories may distribute all or part of their grant amounts to 
private non-profit organizations or another local government.
    Granted By: Mercedes Marquez, Assistant Secretary for Community and 
Planning Development.
    Date Granted: August 11, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The City provided sufficient information for HUD to 
grant the waiver on the basis of the following: (1) HPRP participants 
will be selected in a manner that will ensure Housing Authority 
residents are not unfairly selected over other eligible individuals and 
families; (2) utilizing the Housing Authority as a subgrantee will 
result in an efficient and effective program that benefits HPRP 
participants; and (3) the Housing Authority has proven capacity to 
serve homeless persons.
    Contact: Ann M. Oliva, Director, Office of Special Needs Assistance 
Programs, Office of Community Planning and Development, Department of 
Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 7262, 
Washington, DC 20410-7000, telephone number (202) 708-4300.

     Regulation: Notice of Allocations, Application Procedures, 
and Requirements for Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program Grantees under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 
2009 (Recovery Act), issued March 19, 2009 (HPRP Notice).
    Project/Activity: Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program (HPRP) grantee, City of Jackson, Mississippi requested a waiver 
of the limitation on eligible subgrantees in order to subgrant HPRP 
funds to the Jackson Housing Authority.
    Nature of Requirement: Subsections III.B and III.C of the HPRP 
Notice provides that metropolitan cities, urban counties, and 
territories may distribute all or part of their grant amounts to 
private non-profit organizations or another local government.
    Granted By: Mercedes Marquez, Assistant Secretary for Community and 
Planning Development.
    Date Granted: August 11, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The City provided sufficient information for HUD to 
grant the waiver on the basis of the following: (1) HPRP participants 
will be selected in a manner that will ensure Housing Authority 
residents are not unfairly selected over other eligible individuals and 
families; (2) utilizing the Housing Authority as a subgrantee will 
result in an efficient and effective program that benefits HPRP 
participants; and (3) the Housing Authority has proven capacity to 
serve homeless persons.
    Contact: Ann M. Oliva, Director, Office of Special Needs Assistance 
Programs, Office of Community Planning and Development, Department of 
Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 7262, 
Washington, DC 20410-7000, telephone number (202) 708-4300.

     Regulation: Notice of Allocations, Application Procedures, 
and Requirements for Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program Grantees under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 
2009 (Recovery Act), issued March 19, 2009 (HPRP Notice).
    Project/Activity: Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program (HPRP) grantee, the Town of Union, New York, requested a waiver 
of the resubmission deadline.
    Nature of Requirement: Section IV.F.2 of the HPRP Notice provides 
that each eligible HPRP grantee may revise and resubmit an application 
that HUD has disapproved within 15 days of the date that it was 
notified of the disapproval.
    Granted By: Mercedes Marquez, Assistant Secretary for Community 
Planning and Development.
    Date Granted: August 12, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The Town of Union requested an additional 15 days to 
submit a new application meeting HUD's program requirements. HUD 
determined that there was good cause for waiving the 15-day 
resubmission deadline based on the following: The Town of Union 
submitted a Substantial Amendment by the May 18, 2009, application 
submission deadline, which proposed using all HPRP funds to purchase 
furnaces for low-income elderly homeowners. On May 14, 2009, the Town 
of Union also requested a waiver of any prohibition on funding this 
kind of activity. On July 2, 2009, HUD wrote to the Town of Union 
indicating that its request for a waiver of the eligible activities 
under the Notice was still under review. On July 9, 2009, the Town of 
Union requested an additional 15 days to resubmit an approvable 
application containing eligible activities should HUD both disapprove 
its application and deny its waiver request. On July 14, 2009, HUD: (1) 
Disapproved the HPRP application based upon the ineligibility of the 
proposed funding of furnaces for elderly

[[Page 69473]]

people; and (b) denied the request for a waiver of the Notice's 
eligible activity standards to permit the funding of furnaces for 
elderly persons. The timing of HUD's application disapproval and the 
denial of the waiver request came too late for the Town of Union to 
effectively revise and resubmit a new HPRP application within the 
remaining time available under the original 15-day resubmission period.
    Contact: Ann M. Oliva, Director, Office of Special Needs Assistance 
Programs, Office of Community Planning and Development, Department of 
Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 7262, 
Washington, DC 20410-7000, telephone number (202) 708-4300.

     Regulation: Notice of Allocations, Application Procedures, 
and Requirements for Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program Grantees under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 
2009 (Recovery Act), issued March 19, 2009 (HPRP Notice).
    Project/Activity: Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program (HPRP) grantee, City of Lima, Ohio requested a waiver of the 
limitation on eligible subgrantees in order to subgrant HPRP funds to 
the Allen Metropolitan Housing Authority (AMHA).
    Nature of Requirement: Subsections III.B and III.C of the HPRP 
Notice provides that metropolitan cities, urban counties, and 
territories may distribute all or part of their grant amounts to 
private non-profit organizations or another local government.
    Granted By: Mercedes Marquez, Assistant Secretary for Community 
Planning and Development.
    Date Granted: August 20, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The City provided sufficient information for HUD to 
grant the waiver on the basis of the following: (1) HPRP participants 
will be selected in a manner that will ensure AMHA residents are not 
unfairly selected over other eligible individuals and families; (2) 
utilizing AMHA as a subgrantee will result in an efficient and 
effective program that benefits HPRP participants; and (3) AMHA has 
proven capacity to serve homeless persons.
    Contact: Ann M. Oliva, Director, Office of Special Needs Assistance 
Programs, Office of Community Planning and Development, Department of 
Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 7262, 
Washington, DC 20410-7000, telephone number (202) 708-4300.

     Regulation: Notice of Allocations, Application Procedures, 
and Requirements for Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program Grantees under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 
2009 (Recovery Act), issued March 19, 2009 (HPRP Notice).
    Project/Activity: Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program (HPRP) grantee, County of McHenry, Illinois requested a waiver 
of the limitation on eligible subgrantees in order to subgrant HPRP 
funds to the McHenry County Housing Authority (MCHA).
    Nature of Requirement: Subsections III.B and III.C of the HPRP 
Notice provides that metropolitan cities, urban counties, and 
territories may distribute all or part of their grant amounts to 
private non-profit organizations or another local government.
    Granted By: Mercedes Marquez, Assistant Secretary for Community 
Planning and Development.
    Date Granted: August 20, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The County provided sufficient information for HUD 
to grant the waiver on the basis of the following: (1) HPRP 
participants will be selected in a manner that will ensure MCHA 
residents are not unfairly selected over other eligible individuals and 
families; (2) utilizing MCHA as a subgrantee will result in an 
efficient and effective program that benefits HPRP participants; and 
(3) MCHA has proven capacity to serve homeless persons.
    Contact: Ann M. Oliva, Director, Office of Special Needs Assistance 
Programs, Office of Community Planning and Development, Department of 
Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 7262, 
Washington, DC 20410-7000, telephone number (202) 708-4300.

     Regulation: Notice of Allocations, Application Procedures, 
and Requirements for Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program Grantees under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 
2009 (Recovery Act), issued March 19, 2009 (HPRP Notice).
    Project/Activity: Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program (HPRP) grantee, Cumberland County, requested a waiver of the 
limitation on eligible subgrantees in order to subgrant HPRP funds to 
the Housing Authority of Cumberland County, Pennsylvania.
    Nature of Requirement: Subsections III.B and III.C of the HPRP 
Notice provides that metropolitan cities, urban counties, and 
territories may distribute all or part of their grant amounts to 
private non-profit organizations or another local government.
    Granted By: Mercedes Marquez, Assistant Secretary for Community 
Planning and Development.
    Date Granted: August 24, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The County provided sufficient information for HUD 
to grant the waiver on the basis of the following: (1) HPRP 
participants will be selected in a manner that will ensure Housing 
Authority residents are not unfairly selected over other eligible 
individuals and families; (2) utilizing the Housing Authority as a 
subgrantee will result in an efficient and effective program that 
benefits HPRP participants; and (3) the Housing Authority has proven 
capacity to serve homeless persons.
    Contact: Ann M. Oliva, Director, Office of Special Needs Assistance 
Programs, Office of Community Planning and Development, Department of 
Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 7262, 
Washington, DC 20410-7000, telephone number (202) 708-4300.

     Regulation: Notice of Allocations, Application Procedures, 
and Requirements for Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program Grantees under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 
2009 (Recovery Act), issued March 19, 2009 (HPRP Notice).
    Project/Activity: Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program (HPRP) grantee, the State of Arizona, Arizona Department of 
Housing (ADOH), requested a waiver in order to retain and use HPRP 
funds for administering the Homeless Management Information System 
(HMIS) as required by the Recovery Act.
    Nature of Requirement: Subsection III.A of the HPRP Notice provides 
that a State grantee must make available all of its formula allocation, 
except for an appropriate share of funds for administrative costs, to 
units of general local government and private nonprofit organizations 
in the State to carry out all eligible activities.
    Granted By: Mercedes Marquez, Assistant Secretary for Community 
Planning and Development.
    Date Granted: September 8, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The State provided sufficient information for HUD to 
grant the waiver on the basis of the following: (1) the HMIS is already 
in place; (2) the HMIS is administered by ADOH; and (3) the alternative 
proposal of utilizing a fee structure to administer HMIS and meet the 
requirements in the Recovery Act would impose additional administrative 
burdens for the State.
    Contact: Ann M. Oliva, Director, Office of Special Needs Assistance 
Programs, Office of Community

[[Page 69474]]

Planning and Development, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 
451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 7262, Washington, DC 20410-7000, 
telephone number (202) 708-4300.

     Regulation: Notice of Allocations, Application Procedures, 
and Requirements for Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program Grantees under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 
2009 (Recovery Act), issued March 19, 2009 (HPRP Notice).
    Project/Activity: Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC), acting on 
behalf of the Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program 
(HPRP) grantee, the State of Kentucky, requested a waiver in order to 
retain and use HPRP funds for administering the Homeless Management 
Information System (HMIS) as required by the Recovery Act.
    Nature of Requirement: Subsection III.A of the HPRP Notice provides 
that a State grantee must make available all of its formula allocation, 
except for an appropriate share of funds for administrative costs, to 
units of general local government and private nonprofit organizations 
in the State to carry out all eligible activities.
    Granted By: Mercedes Marquez, Assistant Secretary for Community 
Planning and Development.
    Date Granted: September 8, 2009.
    Reason Waived: KHC provided sufficient information for HUD to grant 
the waiver on the basis of the following: (1) The HMIS is already in 
place; (2) the HMIS is administered by KHC; and (3) the alternative 
proposal of utilizing a fee structure to administer HMIS and meet the 
requirements in the Recovery Act would impose additional administrative 
burdens for KHC.
    Contact: Ann M. Oliva, Director, Office of Special Needs Assistance 
Programs, Office of Community Planning and Development, Department of 
Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 7262, 
Washington, DC 20410-7000, telephone number 202-708-4300.

     Regulation: Notice of Allocations, Application Procedures, 
and Requirements for Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program Grantees under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 
2009 (Recovery Act), issued March 19, 2009 (HPRP Notice).
    Project/Activity: Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program (HPRP) grantee, Horry County, South Carolina, requested a 
waiver of the limitation on eligible subgrantees in order to subgrant 
HPRP funds to the Conway Housing Authority (CHA) and the Myrtle Beach 
Housing Authority (MBHA).
    Nature of Requirement: Subsections III.B and III.C of the HPRP 
Notice provides that metropolitan cities, urban counties, and 
territories may distribute all or part of their grant amounts to 
private non-profit organizations or another local government.
    Granted By: Mercedes Marquez, Assistant Secretary for Community 
Planning Development.
    Date Granted: September 8, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The County provided sufficient information for HUD 
to grant the waiver on the basis of the following: (1) HPRP 
participants will be selected in a manner that will ensure CHA and MBHA 
residents are not unfairly selected over other eligible individuals and 
families; (2) utilizing the CHA and MBHA as subgrantees will result in 
an efficient and effective program that benefits HPRP participants; and 
(3) CHA and MBHA have proven capacity to serve homeless persons.
    Contact: Ann M. Oliva, Director, Office of Special Needs Assistance 
Programs, Office of Community Planning and Development, Department of 
Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 7262, 
Washington, DC 20410-7000, telephone number (202) 708-4300.

     Regulation: Notice of Allocations, Application Procedures, 
and Requirements for Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program Grantees under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 
2009 (Recovery Act), issued March 19, 2009 (HPRP Notice).
    Project/Activity: Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing 
Program (HPRP) grantee, the City of Tacoma, Washington requested a 
waiver of the limitation on eligible subgrantees in order to subgrant 
HPRP funds to the Pierce County Housing Authority (PCHA).
    Nature of Requirement: Subsections III.B and III.C of the HPRP 
Notice provides that metropolitan cities, urban counties, and 
territories may distribute all or part of their grant amounts to 
private non-profit organizations or another local government.
    Granted By: Mercedes Marquez, Assistant Secretary for Community 
Planning and Development.
    Date Granted: September 30, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The City provided sufficient information for HUD to 
grant the waiver on the basis of the following: (1) HPRP participants 
will be selected in a manner that will ensure PCHA residents are not 
unfairly selected over other eligible individuals and families; (2) 
utilizing the PCHA as a subgrantee will result in an efficient and 
effective program that benefits HPRP participants; and (3) PCHA has 
proven capacity to serve homeless persons.
    Contact: Ann M. Oliva, Director, Office of Special Needs Assistance 
Programs, Office of Community Planning and Development, Department of 
Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 7262, 
Washington, DC 20410-7000, telephone number (202) 708-4300.

II. Regulatory Waivers Granted by the Office of Housing--Federal 
Housing Administration (FHA)

    For further information about the following regulatory waivers, 
please see the name of the contact person that immediately follows the 
description of the waiver granted.
     Regulation: 24 CFR 203.37a.
    Project/Activity: Property Flipping, Atlanta, GA.
    Nature of the Requirement: FHA's property flipping regulation 
restricts the eligibility for FHA mortgage insurance, for those 
properties purchased and re-sold within 90 days. The regulation exempts 
government entities and nonprofits approved to purchase HUD real estate 
owned (REO) properties; however, the restriction still exists for 
private entities and especially those working on behalf of local 
governments under the Neighborhood Stabilization Program. The waiver 
request is to exempt a private entity working on behalf of a local 
government for the Neighborhood Stabilization Program.
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: September 14, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The regulation was waived to allow for purchase and 
resale of REO properties within 90 days under the Neighborhood 
Stabilization Program, which furthers the purposes of this program 
which is designed to stabilize neighborhoods through the purchase of 
abandoned and foreclosed homes.
    Contact Person(s): Ralph Jackson, Real Estate Owned Division, 
Atlanta Homeownership Center, Office of Housing, Department of Housing 
and Urban Development, 40 Marietta Street, Atlanta, GA 30303, telephone 
(678) 732-2153. Kevin Shearer, Field Review Branch 1, Atlanta 
Homeownership Center, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 40 Marietta Street, Atlanta, GA 30303, telephone 
(678) 732-2161.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 203.43f.
    Project/Activity: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

[[Page 69475]]

designated Flood Hazard Areas in the State of Louisiana.
    Nature of the Requirement: The National Flood Insurance Program 
(NFIP) installation requirements for manufactured homes and the flood 
hazard regulations for one and two single family dwellings are less 
onerous than the flood hazard regulations for manufactured homes found 
at 24 CFR 203.43f, which specify that the finished grade beneath the 
manufactured home must be at or above the 100 year return frequency 
flood elevation. Extending the waiver to 24 CFR 203.43f permits 
manufactured homes that are located in FEMA designated flood hazard 
areas to be in compliance with the less onerous NFIP requirements and 
serves to assist in the reconstruction of homes impacted by Hurricane 
Katrina in the State of Louisiana.
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: August 11, 2009.
    Reason Waived: Extending the waiver to 24 CFR 203.43f permits 
manufactured homes that are located in FEMA designated flood hazard 
areas to be in compliance with the less onerous NFIP requirements and 
serves to assist in the reconstruction/replacement of homes impacted by 
Hurricane Katrina in the State of Louisiana with an affordable housing 
    Contact: Joanne Kuczma, Director, Office of Single Family Program 
Development, Home Mortgage Insurance Division, Office of Housing, 
Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street, SW. 
Washington, DC 20410-8000, telephone 202-402-2137.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 206.32(a).
    Project/Activity: The waiver is applicable to certain borrowers in 
the State of Maine under FHA's Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) 
    Nature of Requirement: FHA's regulation 24 CFR 206.23(a) require 
that there be no outstanding or unpaid obligations, incurred by the 
HECM mortgagor, in connection with the HECM transaction. The borrowers 
obtained a negotiated short payoff on their forward mortgage from their 
existing lender, CitiFinancial. They are seeking HECM financing which 
will be used to satisfy their existing mortgage and outstanding 
judgments. The HECM lender, American Home Bank, worked with Maine 
Stream Finance, a Community Development Financial Institution, in order 
for the homeowners to obtain subordinate financing, enabling them to 
satisfy certain financial obligations, and, in turn, close the HECM 
transaction and save their home from foreclosure.
    Granted By: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: September 10, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The regulation was waived to prevent the borrowers 
from losing their home through foreclosure.
    Contact: Kathy Hardy, Home Valuation Policy Division, Office of 
Single Family Program Development, Office of Housing, Department of 
Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 9241, 
Washington, DC 20410-8000, telephone (202) 708-2121.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 219.220(b)(1995), 24 CFR Part 
219.320(1995) and 24 CFR 219.335(a) (1995).
    Project/Activity: Lakeview Towers, Chicago, Illinois--FHA Project 
Number 071-10021/071-35743. The property has 500 units comprised of two 
25-story high rise towers. The property is in need of rehabilitation to 
continue as a well-maintained source of affordable housing.
    Nature of Requirement: Section 219.220(b) (1995) of FHA's 
regulations, which governs the repayment of operating assistance 
provided under the Flexible Subsidy Program for Troubled Projects prior 
to May 1, 1996, states: ``Assistance that has been paid to a project 
owner under this subpart must be repaid at the earlier of the 
expiration of the term of the mortgage, termination of these actions 
would typically terminate FHA involvement with the property, and the 
Flexible Subsidy loan would be repaid, in whole, at that time.''
    Section 219.320 (1995) of FHA's regulation entitled ``Loan terms 
and conditions'' will continue to govern the rights and obligations of 
housing owners, tenants and [HUD] with respect to units and projects 
assisted under the Flexible Subsidy Program * * *'' The regulation 
applies to capital improvement loans made pursuant to Section 201(k) of 
the Housing and Community Development Amendments of 1978.
    Section 219.335(a) (1995) of FHA's regulation entitled 
``Operations'' provides that interest on the capital improvement loan 
starts to accrue and the loan amortization period begins when the loan 
proceeds have been spent.
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: August 24, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This regulatory waiver was granted to preserve this 
much needed affordable housing. The owners of Lakeview Towers proposed 
to extend the term for repayment of the Flexible Subsidy loans for 3 
years to match the term of the new section 241(a) loan and make capital 
improvements to the property. These waivers were allowed because, 
without them, the owner would not have had the necessary funds to 
perform needed fa[ccedil]ade repairs and rehabilitation of a portion of 
the kitchen and bathrooms in the property. Providing these waivers 
allowed the owner to obtain financing to perform substantial 
rehabilitation of the property and allow the amortization of the 
flexible subsidy loan with the new section 241(a) loan.
    Contact: Howard D. Mayfield, Deputy Director, Office of Asset 
Management, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6160, Washington, DC 20410-
8000, telephone (202) 708-3730.

     Regulation: 24 FR 290.30(a).
    Project/Activity: Park Lee Apartments, Phoenix, Arizona--FHA 
Project Number 123-35418. This insured loan went into default and was 
assigned to HUD. Waiver of this regulation allowed the City of Phoenix 
to purchase this defaulted, unsubsidized mortgage loan on a 
noncompetitive basis.
    Nature of Requirement: FHA's regulations governing the sale of HUD-
Held mortgages are set forth in 24 CFR part 290, subpart B. Section 
290.30(a) of those regulations state that ``[e]xcept as otherwise 
provided in Section 290.31(a)(2), HUD will sell HUD-Held multifamily 
mortgages on a competitive basis.'' Section 290.31(a)(2) permits 
``negotiated'' sales to State or local governments for mortgage loans 
that are current and secured by subsidized projects, provided such 
loans are sold with FHA insurance.
    Granted by: Brian D. Montgomery, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: July 7, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This regulation was waived in order to allow the 
sale of Park Lee Apartments to the City of Phoenix, thereby preventing 
foreclosure of the property. The city plans to become the managing 
member of the current owner entity and work with it to infuse funds to 
complete rehabilitation, thus making the property an asset to the 
community and preserving its affordability.
    Contact: Howard D. Mayfield, Deputy Director, Office of Asset 
Management, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6160, Washington, DC 20410-
8000, telephone (202) 708-3730.

[[Page 69476]]

     Regulation: 24 CFR 290.30(a).
    Project/Activity: Washington Manor Apartments, Memphis, Tennessee--
FHA Project Number 081-35245. This was an unsubsidized project which 
went into default and was assigned to HUD. The City of Memphis had 
expressed interest in purchasing the mortgage and alleviating impending 
foreclosure proceedings.
    Nature of Requirement: FHA's regulations governing the sale of HUD-
Held mortgages are set forth in 24 CFR part 290, subpart B. Section 
290.30(a) of those regulations state that ``[e]xcept as otherwise 
provided in Section 290.31(a)(2), HUD will sell HUD-Held multifamily 
mortgages on a competitive basis.'' Section 290.31(a)(2) permits 
``negotiated'' sales to State or local governments for mortgage loans 
that are current and secured by subsidized projects, provided such 
loans are sold with FHA insurance.
    Granted by: Brian D. Montgomery, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: July 7, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This regulation was waived in order to allow the 
noncompetitive sale of Washington Manor Apartments to the City of 
Memphis, thereby preventing foreclosure of the property. Waiver of this 
requirement would preserve this much needed low income housing resource 
and reduce the number of loans in the HUD-Held mortgage inventory.
    Contact: Howard D. Mayfield, Deputy Director, Office of Asset 
Management, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6160, Washington, DC 20410-
8000, telephone (202) 708-3730.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 290.30(a).
    Project/Activity: Phyllis Wheatley Apartments, Washington, DC--FHA 
Project Number 000-35418. This property went into default and was part 
of the HUD-Held inventory. The District of Columbia DHCD had expressed 
an interest in purchasing the property. Waiver of this regulation 
allowed the sale of this delinquent, unsubsidized mortgage to the 
District of Columbia.
    Nature of Requirement: FHA's regulations governing the sale of HUD-
Held mortgages are set forth in 24 CFR part 290, subpart B. Section 
290.30(a) of those regulations state that ``[e]xcept as otherwise 
provided in Section 290.31(a)(2), HUD will sell HUD-Held multifamily 
mortgages on a competitive basis.'' Section 290.31(a)(2) permits 
``negotiated'' sales to State or local governments for mortgage loans 
that are current and secured by subsidized projects, provided such 
loans are sold with FHA insurance.
    Granted by: Brian D. Montgomery, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: July 7, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This regulation was waived in order to allow the 
noncompetitive sale of Phyllis Wheatley Apartments to the District of 
Columbia and prevent foreclosure of the property. Waiver of this 
requirement would produce budget savings by generating proceeds to the 
U.S. Treasury and assure that the Phyllis Wheatley facility is 
transformed into a viable and productive housing facility for eligible 
occupants in the District of Columbia.
    Contact: Howard D. Mayfield, Deputy Director, Office of Asset 
Management, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6160, Washington, DC 20410-
8000, telephone (202) 708-3730.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 290.30(a) and 24 CFR 290.35(b)(2).
    Project/Activity: John C. Cannon House Apartments, Seattle, 
Washington. This property went into default and was part of the HUD-
Held inventory. The City of Seattle had expressed an interest in 
purchasing the property. Waiver of this regulation allowed the sale of 
this delinquent, unsubsidized mortgage to the City of Seattle.
    Nature of Requirement: FHA's regulations governing the sale of HUD-
Held mortgages are set forth in 24 CFR part 290, subpart B. Section 
290.30(a) of those regulations state that ``[e]xcept as otherwise 
provided in Section 290.31(a)(2), HUD will sell HUD-Held multifamily 
mortgages on a competitive basis.'' Section 290.31(a)(2) permits 
``negotiated'' sales to State or local governments for mortgage loans 
that are current and secured by subsidized projects, provided such 
loans are sold with FHA insurance.
    Section 290.35(b)(2) governs the sale of delinquent mortgages 
securing subsidized projects, ``(1) However, delinquent mortgages will 
not be sold if: (1) HUD believes that foreclosure is unavoidable; and 
(2) the project securing the mortgage is occupied by very low-income 
tenants who are not receiving housing assistance and would be likely to 
pay rent in excess of 30 percent of their adjusted monthly income if 
HUD sold the mortgage.''
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing-
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: September 24, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This regulation was waived in order to allow the 
noncompetitive sale of John C. Cannon House Apartments to the City of 
Seattle. Waiver of this requirement would produce budget savings by 
generating proceeds to the U.S. Treasury, reduce the number of notes in 
the HUD-Held mortgage inventory and prevent the loss of assisted living 
units for families that might take place if a profit-motivated investor 
were to buy the note and foreclose.
    Contact: Howard D. Mayfield, Deputy Director, Office of Asset 
Management, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6160, Washington, DC 20410-
8000, telephone (202) 708-3730.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 290.30(a) and 24 CFR 290.33.
    Project/Activity: Grove Parc Apartments, Chicago, Illinois--FHA 
Project Number 071-11091. This property went into default and was part 
of the HUD-Held inventory. The City of Chicago had expressed an 
interest in purchasing the property. Waiver of this regulation allowed 
the sale of this delinquent, unsubsidized mortgage to the City of 
    Nature of Requirement: FHA's regulations governing the sale of HUD-
Held mortgages are set forth in 24 CFR part 290, subpart B. Section 
290.30(a) of those regulations state that ``[e]xcept as otherwise 
provided in Section 290.31(a)(2), HUD will sell HUD-Held multifamily 
mortgages on a competitive basis.'' Section 290.31(a)(2) permits 
``negotiated'' sales to State or local governments for mortgage loans 
that are current and secured by subsidized projects, provided such 
loans are sold with FHA insurance.
    Section 290.33 governs the sale of delinquent mortgages securing 
subsidized projects, only if (a) the mortgages are restructured, and 
(b) either FHA mortgage insurance or equivalent protections are 
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: September 18, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This regulation was waived for Grove Parc 
Apartments, in order to allow its noncompetitive sale with a 
restructured, FHA-insured mortgage or with an instrument with 
equivalent protections provided to the City of Chicago. Waiver of this 
requirement would produce budget savings by generating proceeds to the 
U.S. Treasury, reduce the number of notes in the HUD-Held mortgage 
inventory and prevent the loss of assisted living units for families 
that might take place if a profit-motivated

[[Page 69477]]

investor were to buy the note and foreclose.
    Contact: Howard D. Mayfield, Deputy Director, Office of Asset 
Management, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6160, Washington, DC 20410-
8000, telephone (202) 708-3730.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 290.30(a) and 24 CFR 290.35(b)(2).
    Project/Activity: John C. Cannon House Apartments, Seattle, 
Washington. This property went into default and was part of the HUD-
Held inventory. The City of Seattle had expressed an interest in 
purchasing the property. Waiver of this regulation allowed the sale of 
this delinquent, unsubsidized mortgage to the City of Seattle.
    Nature of Requirement: FHA's regulations governing the sale of HUD-
Held mortgages are set forth in 24 CFR part 290, subpart B. Section 
290.30(a) of those regulations state that ``[e]xcept as otherwise 
provided in Section 290.31(a)(2), HUD will sell HUD-Held multifamily 
mortgages on a competitive basis.'' Section 290.31(a)(2) permits 
``negotiated'' sales to State or local governments for mortgage loans 
that are current and secured by subsidized projects, provided such 
loans are sold with FHA insurance.
    Section 290.35(b)(2) governs the sale of delinquent mortgages 
securing subsidized projects, ``(1) However, delinquent mortgages will 
not be sold if: (1) HUD believes that foreclosure is unavoidable; and 
(2) the project securing the mortgage is occupied by very low-income 
tenants who are not receiving housing assistance and would be likely to 
pay rent in excess of 30 percent of their adjusted monthly income if 
HUD sold the mortgage.''
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: September 24, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This regulation was waived in order to allow the 
noncompetitive sale of John C. Cannon House Apartments to the City of 
Seattle. Waiver of this requirement would produce budget savings by 
generating proceeds to the U.S. Treasury, reduce the number of notes in 
the HUD-Held mortgage inventory and prevent the loss of assisted living 
units for families that might take place if a profit-motivated investor 
were to buy the note and foreclose.
    Contact: Howard D. Mayfield, Deputy Director, Office of Asset 
Management, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6160, Washington, DC 20410-
8000, telephone (202) 708-3730.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 883.205(c)(1)(1979).
    Project/Activity: Woodside Village, Danville, Virginia--Section 8 
Number: VA36-H027-081. This non-insured subsidized property had not 
undergone significant rehabilitation since it was constructed. Waiver 
of this regulation allowed for much needed repairs of the property.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 883.205(c) concerns 
adjustments to reflect the actual cost of permanent financing. After 
the project is permanently financed, the HFA shall submit a 
certification as to the actual financing terms. Subsection (1) relates 
to the actual debt service under the permanent financing. If the actual 
debt service under the permanent financing is lower than the 
anticipated debt service on which the Contract Rents were based, the 
initial Contract Rents or the Contract Rents currently in effect shall 
be reduced commensurately, and the amount of savings shall be credited 
to the project account.
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: August 4, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This regulation was waived in order to permit the 
Section 8 contract rents to remain at the current levels in order to 
allow the owner to obtain financing at a lower interest rate to 
rehabilitate the property. The proposed rehabilitation is to be funded 
through Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC). An affordability use 
restriction is to accompany an award of the LIHTC, preserving the 
property as a long-term, well-maintained source of affordable housing.
    Contact: Howard D. Mayfield, Deputy Director, Office of Asset 
Management, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6160, Washington, DC 20410-
8000, telephone (202) 708-3730.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 883.205(c)(1)(1979).
    Project/Activity: Woodside Village, Danville, Virginia--Section 8 
Number: VA36-H027-081. This non-insured subsidized property had not 
undergone significant rehabilitation since it was constructed. Waiver 
of this regulation allowed for much needed repairs of the property.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 883.205(c) concerns 
adjustments to reflect the actual cost of permanent financing. After 
the project is permanently financed, the HFA shall submit a 
certification as to the actual financing terms. Subsection (1) relates 
to the actual debt service under the permanent financing. If the actual 
debt service under the permanent financing is lower than the 
anticipated debt service on which the Contract Rents were based, the 
initial Contract Rents or the Contract Rents currently in effect shall 
be reduced commensurately, and the amount of savings shall be credited 
to the project account.
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: August 4, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This regulation was waived in order to permit the 
Section 8 contract rents to remain at the current levels in order to 
allow the owner to obtain financing at a lower interest rate to 
rehabilitate the property. The proposed rehabilitation is to be funded 
through Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC). An affordability use 
restriction is to accompany an award of the LIHTC, preserving the 
property as a long-term, well-maintained source of affordable housing.
    Contact: Howard D. Mayfield, Deputy Director, Office of Asset 
Management, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6160, Washington, DC 20410-
8000, telephone (202) 708-3730.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
    Project/Activity: TELACU Housing La Amistad Senior Apartments, San 
Bernardino, CA, Project Number: 143-EE063/CA43-S061-002.
    Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of 
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to initial 
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: July 17, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable 
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner 
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
    Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance 
and Grant Administration, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6130, Washington, DC 
20410-8000, telephone (202) 708-3000.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
    Project/Activity: Casitas on East Broadway, Tucson, AZ, Project 
Number: 123-EE104/AZ20-S061-010.
    Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of 

[[Page 69478]]

amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to closing.
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: July 17, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable 
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner 
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
    Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance 
and Grant Administration, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6130, Washington, DC 
20410-8000, telephone (202) 708-3000.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
    Project/Activity: Harshfield Terrace, Quartz Hill, CA, Project 
Number: 122-EE195/CA16-S041-005.
    Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of 
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to closing.
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: July 17, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable 
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner 
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
    Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance 
and Grant Administration, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6130, Washington, DC 
20410-8000, telephone (202) 708-3000.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
    Project/Activity: TBD, Tucson, AZ, Project Number: 062-HD066/AL09-
    Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of 
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to closing.
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: July 21, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable 
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner 
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
    Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance 
and Grant Administration, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6130, Washington, DC 
20410-8000, telephone (202) 708-3000.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
    Project/Activity: Woodridge Apartments Annex, Greeneville, TN, 
Project Number: 087-EE065/TN37-S081-002.
    Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of 
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to closing.
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: July 21, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable 
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner 
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
    Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance 
and Grant Administration, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6130, Washington, DC 
20410-8000, telephone (202) 708-3000.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
    Project/Activity: Homes of Care III, Groveland, MA, Project Number: 
    Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of 
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to closing.
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: July 22, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable 
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner 
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
    Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance 
and Grant Administration, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6130, Washington, DC 
20410-8000, telephone (202) 708-3000.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
    Project/Activity: Gloucester Housing, Gloucester, MA, Project 
Number: 023-HD228/MA06-Q071-002.
    Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of 
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to closing.
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: July 22, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable 
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner 
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
    Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance 
and Grant Administration, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6130, Washington, DC 
20410-8000, telephone (202) 708-3000.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
    Project/Activity: Folsom Oaks, Folsom, CA, Project Number: 136-
    Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of 
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to closing.
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: August 6, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable 
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner 
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
    Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance 
and Grant Administration, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6130, Washington, DC 
20410-8000, telephone (202) 708-3000.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
    Project/Activity: TELACU Hacienda Senior Apartments, San 
Bernardino, CA, Project Number: 143-EE068/CA43-S071-003.
    Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of 
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to closing.
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: August 6, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable 
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner 
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
    Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance 
and Grant Administration, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6130, Washington, DC 
20410-8000, telephone (202) 708-3000.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
    Project/Activity: Vantage Court Senior Housing, Homestead, PA, 
Project Number: 033-EE132/PA28-S071-004.
    Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of 
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to closing.
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.

[[Page 69479]]

    Date Granted: August 7, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable 
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner 
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
    Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance 
and Grant Administration, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6130, Washington, DC 
20410-8000, telephone (202) 708-3000.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
    Project/Activity: AHEPA 310 XII, Daphne, AL, Project Number: 062-
    Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of 
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to closing.
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: August 7, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable 
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner 
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
    Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance 
and Grant Administration, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6130, Washington, DC 
20410-8000, telephone (202) 708-3000.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
    Project/Activity: Ferriday Haven, Ferriday, LA, Project Number: 
    Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of 
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to closing.
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: August 21, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable 
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner 
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
    Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance 
and Grant Administration, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6130, Washington, DC 
20410-8000, telephone (202) 708-3000.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
    Project/Activity: Tartan Village II, Kilmarnock, VA, Project 
Number: 051-EE111/VA36-S051-004.
    Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of 
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to closing.
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: August 21, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable 
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner 
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
    Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance 
and Grant Administration, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6130, Washington, DC 
20410-8000, telephone (202) 708-3000.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
    Project/Activity: St. Joseph Place, Kansas City, MO, Project 
Number: 084-EE073/MO16-Q071-002.
    Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of 
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to closing.
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: August 28, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable 
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner 
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
    Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance 
and Grant Administration, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6130, Washington, DC 
20410-8000, telephone (202) 708-3000.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
    Project/Activity: Townsend Woods, Townsend, MA, Project Number: 
    Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of 
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to closing.
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: August 31, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable 
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner 
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
    Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance 
and Grant Administration, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6130, Washington, DC 
20410-8000, telephone (202) 708-3000.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
    Project/Activity: Parham House, Vista, CA, Project Number: 129-
    Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of 
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to closing.
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: September 21, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable 
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner 
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
    Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance 
and Grant Administration, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6130, Washington, DC 
20410-8000, telephone (202) 708-3000.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
    Project/Activity: Trenton VOA Housing, Trenton, GA, Project Number: 
    Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of 
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to closing.
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: August 19, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable 
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner 
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
    Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance 
and Grant Administration, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6130, Washington, DC 
20410-8000, telephone (202) 708-3000.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
    Project/Activity: Wiggins VOA Senior Housing, Incorporated, Wiggins 
MS, Project Number: 065-EE050/MS26-S081-001.
    Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of 
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to closing.
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: August 19, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable

[[Page 69480]]

in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner 
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
    Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance 
and Grant Administration, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6130, Washington, DC 
20410-8000, telephone (202) 708-3000.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
    Project/Activity: Sierra Meadows, Visalia, CA, Project Number: 121-
    Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of 
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to closing.
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: August 21, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable 
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner 
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
    Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance 
and Grant Administration, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6130, Washington, DC 
20410-8000, telephone (202) 708-3000.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
    Project/Activity: Wood Lane Residential, Bowling Green, OH, Project 
Number: 042-HD151/OH12-Q071-006.
    Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of 
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to closing.
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: September 4, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable 
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner 
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
    Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance 
and Grant Administration, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6130, Washington, DC 
20410-8000, telephone (202) 708-3000.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
    Project/Activity: Discovery Place, Brigham, UT, Project Number: 
    Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of 
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to closing.
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: September 24, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable 
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner 
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
    Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance 
and Grant Administration, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6130, Washington, DC 
20410-8000, telephone (202) 708-3000.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
    Project/Activity: AHEPA--New Orleans, New Orleans, LA, Project 
Number: 064-EE221/LA48-S071-009.
    Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of 
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to closing.
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: September 28, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable 
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner 
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
    Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance 
and Grant Administration, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6130, Washington, DC 
20410-8000, telephone (202) 708-3000.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
    Project/Activity: Options Supported Housing XIV, Lake Ronkonkoma, 
NY, Project Number: 012-HD139/NY36-Q081-001.
    Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of 
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to closing.
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: September 28, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable 
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner 
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
    Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance 
and Grant Administration, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6130, Washington, DC 
20410-8000, telephone (202) 708-3000.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
    Project/Activity: Wood Lane Residential, Bowling Green, OH, Project 
Number: 042-HD151/OH12-Q071-006.
    Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of 
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to closing.
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: September 30, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable 
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner 
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
    Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance 
and Grant Administration, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6130, Washington, DC 
20410-8000, telephone (202) 708-3000.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d) and 24 CFR 891.165.
    Project/Activity: Dona Petra Santiago Apartments, New York, NY, 
Project Number: 012-EE267/NY36-S091-007.
    Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of 
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to closing. 
Section 891.165 provides that the duration of the fund reservation of 
the capital advance is 18 months from the date of issuance with limited 
exceptions up to 24 months, as approved by HUD on a case-by-case basis.
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: August 19, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable 
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner 
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources. 
Additional time was needed to achieve an initial closing.
    Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance 
and Grant Administration, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6130, Washington, DC 
20410-8000, telephone (202) 708-3000.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d) and 24 CFR 891.165.
    Project/Activity: Odd Fellows Senior Housing, Bronx York, NY, 
Project Number: 012-EE351/NY36-S061-007.
    Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of 
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to closing. 
Section 891.165 provides that the duration of the fund

[[Page 69481]]

reservation of the capital advance is 18 months from the date of 
issuance with limited exceptions up to 24 months, as approved by HUD on 
a case-by-case basis.
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: August 21, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable 
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner 
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources. 
Additional time was needed to achieve an initial closing.
    Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance 
and Grant Administration, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6130, Washington, DC 
20410-8000, telephone (202) 708-3000.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d) and 24 CFR 891.165.
    Project/Activity: Denver VOA Living Center, Denver, CO, Project 
Number: 101-HD040/CO99-Q051-001.
    Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of 
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to initial 
closing. Section 891.165 provides that the duration of the fund 
reservation of the capital advance is 18 months from the date of 
issuance with limited exceptions up to 24 months, as approved by HUD on 
a case-by-case basis.
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: July 17, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable 
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner 
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources. 
Additional time was needed for the firm commitment to be issued and for 
the project to be initially closed.
    Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance 
and Grant Administration, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6130, Washington, DC 
20410-8000, telephone (202) 708-3000.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d) and 24 CFR 891.165.
    Project/Activity: Council Towers V, Bronx, NY, Project Number: 012-
    Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of 
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to initial 
closing. Section 891.165 provides that the duration of the fund 
reservation of the capital advance is 18 months from the date of 
issuance with limited exceptions up to 24 months, as approved by HUD on 
a case-by-case basis.
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: August 25, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable 
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner 
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources. 
Additional time was needed to achieve an initial closing of the 
    Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance 
and Grant Administration, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6130, Washington, DC 
20410-8000, telephone (202) 708-3000.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165.
    Project/Activity: Yabucoa Volunteers of America Elderly Housing, 
Yabucoa, PR, Project Number: 056-EE064/RQ46-S041-001.
    Nature of Requirement: Section 891.165 provides that the duration 
of the fund reservation of the capital advance is 18 months from the 
date of issuance with limited exceptions up to 24 months, as approved 
by HUD on a case-by-case basis.
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: July 17, 2009.
    Reason Waived: Additional time was needed for the firm commitment 
to be issued and for the project to be initially closed.
    Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance 
and Grant Administration, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6130, Washington, DC 
20410-8000, telephone (202) 708-3000.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165.
    Project/Activity: Accessible Space, Inc., Mesa, AZ, Project Number: 
    Nature of Requirement: Section 891.165 provides that the duration 
of the fund reservation of the capital advance is 18 months from the 
date of issuance with limited exceptions up to 24 months, as approved 
by HUD on a case-by-case basis.
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: July 17, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The sponsor/owner needed additional time to obtain a 
new contractor, resubmit the firm commitment application, and for the 
project to be initially closed.
    Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance 
and Grant Administration, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6130, Washington, DC 
20410-8000, telephone (202) 708-3000.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165.
    Project/Activity: Mulberry Manor, Wayne, WV, Project Number: 045-
    Nature of Requirement: Section 891.165 provides that the duration 
of the fund reservation of the capital advance is 18 months from the 
date of issuance with limited exceptions up to 24 months, as approved 
by HUD on a case-by-case basis.
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: July 17, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The sponsor/owner needed additional time to secure 
secondary financing, for the firm commitment to be issued and for the 
project to be initially closed.
    Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance 
and Grant Administration, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6130, Washington, DC 
20410-8000, telephone (202) 708-3000.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165.
    Project/Activity: Sierra Manor II, Reno, NV, Project Number: 125-
    Nature of Requirement: Section 891.165 provides that the duration 
of the fund reservation of the capital advance is 18 months from the 
date of issuance with limited exceptions up to 24 months, as approved 
by HUD on a case-by-case basis.
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: July 21, 2009.
    Reason Waived: Additional time was needed for the sponsor/owner's 
architect sufficient time to complete the redesign of the project and 
to obtain necessary approvals on the redesign from the City of Reno and 
for the project to be initially closed.
    Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance 
and Grant Administration, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6130, Washington, DC 
20410-8000, telephone (202) 708-3000.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165.

[[Page 69482]]

    Project/Activity: Shillman House, Framingham, MA, Project Number: 
    Nature of Requirement: Section 891.165 provides that the duration 
of the fund reservation of the capital advance is 18 months from the 
date of issuance with limited exceptions up to 24 months, as approved 
by HUD on a case-by-case basis.
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: September 8, 2009.
    Reason Waived: Additional time was needed for the sponsor/owner to 
allow HUD's processing of the revised firm commitment application, and 
for the project to reach initial closing.
    Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance 
and Grant Administration, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6130, Washington, DC 
20410-8000, telephone (202) 708-3000.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165.
    Project/Activity: Transitional Services for New York, New York, NY, 
Project Number: 012-HD128/NY36-Q051-002.
    Nature of Requirement: Section 891.165 provides that the duration 
of the fund reservation of the capital advance is 18 months from the 
date of issuance with limited exceptions up to 24 months, as approved 
by HUD on a case-by-case basis.
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: July 1, 2009.
    Reason Waived: Additional time was needed for the project to be 
initially closed.
    Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance 
and Grant Administration, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6130, Washington, DC 
20410-8000, telephone (202) 708-3000.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165.
    Project/Activity: Arbor Court, Fresno, CA, Project Number: 121-
    Nature of Requirement: Section 891.165 provides that the duration 
of the fund reservation of the capital advance is 18 months from the 
date of issuance with limited exceptions up to 24 months, as approved 
by HUD on a case-by-case basis.
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: July 1, 2009.
    Reason Waived: Additional time was needed for the sponsor/owner to 
obtain an increase in local funding and for the project to be initially 
    Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance 
and Grant Administration, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6130, Washington, DC 
20410-8000, telephone (202) 708-3000.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165.
    Project/Activity: Jackson Road Group Home (fka Jackson Street Group 
Home), Somerville, MA, Project Number: 023-HD193/MA06-Q031-001.
    Nature of Requirement: Section 891.165 provides that the duration 
of the fund reservation of the capital advance is 18 months from the 
date of issuance with limited exceptions up to 24 months, as approved 
by HUD on a case-by-case basis.
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: August 6, 2009.
    Reason Waived: Additional time was needed for the State agency to 
finalize the commitment of funds, resubmit the firm commitment 
application and for the project to be initially closed.
    Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance 
and Grant Administration, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6130, Washington, DC 
20410-8000, telephone (202) 708-3000.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165.
    Project/Activity: Desert Sol, Phoenix, AZ, Project Number: 123-
    Nature of Requirement: Section 891.165 provides that the duration 
of the fund reservation of the capital advance is 18 months from the 
date of issuance with limited exceptions up to 24 months, as approved 
by HUD on a case-by-case basis.
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: September 4, 2009.
    Reason Waived: Additional time was needed for the sponsor/owner to 
finalize the initial/final closing documents and for the project to be 
initially closed.
    Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance 
and Grant Administration, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6130, Washington, DC 
20410-8000, telephone (202) 708-3000.
     Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165.
    Project/Activity: Casa Del Pueblo II (aka Pueblo Senior Housing), 
Tucson, AZ, Project Number: 123-EE103/AZ20-S061-009.
    Nature of Requirement: Section 891.165 provides that the duration 
of the fund reservation of the capital advance is 18 months from the 
date of issuance with limited exceptions up to 24 months, as approved 
by HUD on a case-by-case basis.
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: September 28, 2009.
    Reason Waived: Additional time was needed for the sponsor/owner to 
finalize the initial closing documents and for the project to reach 
initial closing.
    Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance 
and Grant Administration, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-8000, 
telephone (202) 708-3000.
     Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165.
    Project/Activity: Lil Jackson Senior Housing, Oceanside, CA, 
Project Number: 129-EE032/CA33-S051-001.
    Nature of Requirement: Section 891.165 provides that the duration 
of the fund reservation of the capital advance is 18 months from the 
date of issuance with limited exceptions up to 24 months, as approved 
by HUD on a case-by-case basis.
    Granted by: David H. Stevens, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
    Date Granted: September 29, 2009.
    Reason Waived: Additional time was needed for the City of Oceanside 
to complete the recordation of the parcel map for the site and for the 
project to be closed.
    Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance 
and Grant Administration, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6130, Washington, DC 
20410-8000, telephone (202) 708-3000.

III. Regulatory Waivers Granted by the Office of Public and Indian 

    For further information about the following regulatory waivers, 
please see the name of the contact person that immediately follows the 
description of the waiver granted.
     Regulation: 24 CFR 5.801 (d) (1).
    Project/Activity: Housing Authority of the City of Long Branch, 
(NJ008), Long Branch, NJ.
    Nature of Requirement: The regulation establishes certain reporting 
compliance dates. The audited financial statements are required to be 
submitted to the Real Estate Assessment Center (REAC) no later than 
nine months after the housing authority's (HA) fiscal year end (FYE), 
in accordance with the

[[Page 69483]]

Single Audit Act and OMB Circular A-133.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, General Deputy Assistant Secretary 
for Public and Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: July 16, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The HA waiver request stated that the auditor would 
not be able to complete the audit by the due date as a result of a 
delay in conversion to asset management. The HA indicated that the 
auditors were in the process of finalizing the audit. The waiver was 
granted and the HA was to submit its audited financial data for FYE 
June 30, 2008, no later than July 17, 2009.
    Contact: Myra E. Newbill, Program Manager, NASS, Real Estate 
Assessment Center, Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of 
Housing and Urban Development, 550 12th Street, SW., Suite 100, 
Washington, DC 20410-5000, telephone (202) 475-8988.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 941.102(a)(2)-(3) and 941.403(b).
    Project/Activity: Newark Housing Authority (NHA), Newark, NJ, 
Scattered Sites, Project Number NJ39-P002-053.
    Nature of Requirement: This waiver involves the substantial 
completion requirement for release of the original purchase money and 
the proposition to finish the project pursuant to a development plan 
which does not comply completely with either the regulatory turnkey or 
acquisition method of public housing development.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: September 28, 2009.
    Reason Waived: Good cause was determined to conditionally approve 
the waivers in order for the settlement process to proceed for the 
action filed on June 26, 2008 in the United States District Court of 
New Jersey by Tony Gomes Construction Company naming NHA, the former 
Secretary Steven Preston, and the Department as defendants.
    Contact: Dominique Blom, Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office 
of Public Housing Investments, Office of Public and Indian Housing, 
Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., 
Washington, DC 20140-5000, Room 4130, telephone (202) 402-4181.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 941.306(b) and (c).
    Project/Activity: Barclay Redevelopment Phase I (formerly West 
Park), Housing Authority of the City of Bremerton Public Housing 
Construction, Bremerton, WA.
    Nature of Requirement: Waiver of Total Development Cost (TDC) and 
Housing Construction Cost (HCC) Limits.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary of Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: September 3, 2009.
    Reason Waived: A waiver of TDC/HCC limits is allowed under the 
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and in the Notice of 
Funding Availability (NOFA) for the Capital Fund Recovery Competition 
Grants (CFRC) for the use of ARRA funds in the redevelopment of public 
housing units.
    Contact: Dominique Blom, Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office 
of Public Housing Investments, Office of Public and Indian Housing, 
Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., 
Washington, DC 20140-5000, Room 4130, telephone (202) 402-4181.
     Regulation: 24 CFR 941.306(b) and (c).
    Project/Activity: West End Phase II, Chicago Housing Authority 
Public Housing Construction, Chicago, IL.
    Nature of Requirement: Waiver of Total Development Cost (TDC) and 
Housing Construction Cost (HCC) Limits.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary of Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: September 16, 2009.
    Reason Waived: A waiver of TDC/HCC limits is allowed under the 
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and in the Notice of 
Funding Availability (NOFA) for the Capital Fund Recovery Competition 
Grants (CFRC) for the use of ARRA funds in the redevelopment of public 
housing units.
    Contact: Dominique Blom, Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office 
of Public Housing Investments, Office of Public and Indian Housing, 
Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., 
Room 4130, Washington, DC 20140-5000, telephone (202) 402-4181.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 941.306(b) and (c).
    Project/Activity: Arlington Grove, St. Louis Housing Authority 
Public Housing Construction, St. Louis, MO.
    Nature of Requirement: Waiver of Total Development Cost (TDC) and 
Housing Construction Cost (HCC) Limits.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary of Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: September 16, 2009.
    Reason Waived: A waiver of TDC/HCC limits is allowed under the 
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and in the Notice of 
Funding Availability (NOFA) for the Capital Fund Recovery Competition 
Grants (CFRC) for the use of ARRA funds in the redevelopment of public 
housing units.
    Contact: Dominique Blom, Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office 
of Public Housing Investments, Office of Public and Indian Housing, 
Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., 
Washington, DC 20140-5000, Room 4130, telephone (202) 402-4181.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 941.306(b) and (c).
    Project/Activity: Baxtor Terrace, Housing Authority of the City of 
Newark, Public Housing Construction, Newark, NJ.
    Nature of Requirement: Waiver of Total Development Cost (TDC) and 
Housing Construction Cost (HCC) Limits.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary of Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: September 16, 2009.
    Reason Waived: A waiver of TDC/HCC limits is allowed under the 
American Recovery Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and in the Notice of Funding 
Availability (NOFA) for the Capital Fund Recovery Competition Grants 
(CFRC) for the use of ARRA funds in the redevelopment of public housing 
    Contact: Dominique Blom, Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office 
of Public Housing Investments, Office of Public and Indian Housing, 
Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., 
Room 4130, Washington, DC 20140-5000, telephone (202) 402-4181.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 941.306(b) and (c).
    Project/Activity: Legends Park West (formerly Dixie Homes), Memphis 
Housing Authority Public Housing Construction, Memphis, TN.
    Nature of Requirement: Waiver of Total Development Cost (TDC) and 
Housing Construction Cost (HCC) Limits.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary of Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: September 16, 2009.
    Reason Waived: A waiver of TDC/HCC limits is allowed under the 
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and in the Notice of 
Funding Availability (NOFA) for the Capital Fund Recovery Competition 
Grants (CFRC) for the use of ARRA funds in the redevelopment of public 
housing units.

[[Page 69484]]

    Contact: Dominique Blom, Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office 
of Public Housing Investments, Office of Public and Indian Housing, 
Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., 
Room 4130, Washington, DC 20140-5000, telephone (202) 402-4181.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 941.306(b) and (c).
    Project/Activity: Lake City Village Apartments, Seattle Housing 
Authority Public Housing Construction, Seattle, WA.
    Nature of Requirement: Waiver of Total Development Cost (TDC) and 
Housing Construction Cost (HCC) Limits.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary of Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: September 16, 2009.
    Reason Waived: A waiver of TDC/HCC limits is allowed under the 
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and in the Notice of 
Funding Availability (NOFA) for the Capital Fund Recovery Competition 
Grants (CFRC) for the use of ARRA funds in the redevelopment of public 
housing units.
    Contact: Dominique Blom, Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office 
of Public Housing Investments, Office of Public and Indian Housing, 
Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., 
Room 4130, Washington, DC 20140-5000, telephone (202) 402-4181.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 941.306(b) and (c).
    Project/Activity: Reid Street Homes, Housing Authority of 
Charleston Public Housing Construction, Charleston, SC.
    Nature of Requirement: Waiver of Total Development Cost (TDC) and 
Housing Construction Cost (HCC) Limits.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary of Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: September 16, 2009.
    Reason Waived: A waiver of TDC/HCC limits is allowed under the 
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and in the Notice of 
Funding Availability (NOFA) for the Capital Fund Recovery Competition 
Grants (CFRC) for the use of ARRA funds in the redevelopment of public 
housing units.
    Contact: Dominique Blom, Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office 
of Public Housing Investments, Office of Public and Indian Housing, 
Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., 
Room 4130, Washington, DC 20140-5000, telephone (202) 402-4181.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 941.306(b) and (c).
    Project/Activity: First Street Senior Housing, Elizabeth Housing 
Authority Public Housing Construction, Elizabeth, NJ.
    Nature of Requirement: Waiver of Total Development Cost (TDC) and 
Housing Construction Cost (HCC) Limits.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary of Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: September 16, 2009.
    Reason Waived: A waiver of TDC/HCC limits is allowed under the 
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and in the Notice of 
Funding Availability (NOFA) for the Capital Fund Recovery Competition 
Grants (CFRC) for the use of ARRA funds in the redevelopment of public 
housing units.
    Contact: Dominique Blom, Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office 
of Public Housing Investments, Office of Public and Indian Housing, 
Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., 
Room 4130, Washington, DC 20140-5000, telephone (202) 402-4181.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 941.306(b) and (c).
    Project/Activity: Fairmount Avenue Scattered Sites, Chattanooga 
Housing Authority Public Housing Construction, Chattanooga, TN.
    Nature of Requirement: Waiver of Total Development Cost (TDC) and 
Housing Construction Cost (HCC) Limits.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary of Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: September 16, 2009.
    Reason Waived: A waiver of TDC/HCC limits is allowed under the 
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and in the Notice of 
Funding Availability (NOFA) for the Capital Fund Recovery Competition 
Grants (CFRC) for the use of ARRA funds in the redevelopment of public 
housing units.
    Contact: Dominique Blom, Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office 
of Public Housing Investments, Office of Public and Indian Housing, 
Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., 
Room 4130, Washington, DC 20140-5000, telephone (202) 402-4181.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 941.306(b) and (c).
    Project/Activity: Senior Housing at Heritage Park, Minneapolis 
Public Housing Authority Public Housing Construction, Minneapolis, MN.
    Nature of Requirement: Waiver of Total Development Cost (TDC) and 
Housing Construction Cost (HCC) Limits.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary of Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: September 16, 2009.
    Reason Waived: A waiver of TDC/HCC limits is allowed under the 
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and in the Notice of 
Funding Availability (NOFA) for the Capital Fund Recovery Competition 
Grants (CFRC) for the use of ARRA funds in the redevelopment of public 
housing units.
    Contact: Dominique Blom, Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office 
of Public Housing Investments, Office of Public and Indian Housing, 
Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., 
Room 4130, Washington, DC 20140-5000, telephone (202) 402-4181.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 941.306(b) and (c).
    Project/Activity: Old Colony, Boston Housing Authority Public 
Housing Construction, Boston, MA.
    Nature of Requirement: Waiver of Total Development Cost (TDC) and 
Housing Construction Cost (HCC) Limits.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary of Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: September 16, 2009.
    Reason Waived: A waiver of TDC/HCC limits is allowed under the 
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and in the Notice of 
Funding Availability (NOFA) for the Capital Fund Recovery Competition 
Grants (CFRC) for the use of ARRA funds in the redevelopment of public 
housing units.
    Contact: Dominique Blom, Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office 
of Public Housing Investments, Office of Public and Indian Housing, 
Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., 
Room 4130, Washington, DC 20140-5000, telephone (202) 402-4181.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 941.306(b) and (c).
    Project/Activity: Echo Ridge, Topeka Housing Authority Public 
Housing Construction, Topeka, KS.
    Nature of Requirement: Waiver of Total Development Cost (TDC) and 
Housing Construction Cost (HCC) Limits.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary of Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: September 16, 2009.

[[Page 69485]]

    Reason Waived: A waiver of TDC/HCC limits is allowed under the 
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and in the Notice of 
Funding Availability (NOFA) for the Capital Fund Recovery Competition 
Grants (CFRC) for the use of ARRA funds in the redevelopment of public 
housing units.
    Contact: Dominique Blom, Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office 
of Public Housing Investments, Office of Public and Indian Housing, 
Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., 
Room 4130, Washington, DC 20140-5000, telephone (202) 402-4181.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 941.306(b) and (c).
    Project/Activity: Garden Valley Phase III, Cuyahoga Metropolitan 
Housing Authority Public Housing Construction, Cleveland, OH.
    Nature of Requirement: Waiver of Total Development Cost (TDC) and 
Housing Construction Cost (HCC) Limits.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary of Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: September 16, 2009.
    Reason Waived: A waiver of TDC/HCC limits is allowed under the 
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and in the Notice of 
Funding Availability (NOFA) for the Capital Fund Recovery Competition 
Grants (CFRC) for the use of ARRA funds in the redevelopment of public 
housing units.
    Contact: Dominique Blom, Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office 
of Public Housing Investments, Office of Public and Indian Housing, 
Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., 
Room 4130, Washington, DC 20140-5000, telephone (202) 402-4181.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 941.306(b) and (c).
    Project/Activity: Phase IIC of Scott/Carver Homes, Miami-Dade 
Public Housing Authority Public Housing Construction, Miami, FL.
    Nature of Requirement: Waiver of Total Development Cost (TDC) and 
Housing Construction Cost (HCC) Limits.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary of Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: September 16, 2009.
    Reason Waived: A waiver of TDC/HCC limits is allowed under the 
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and in the Notice of 
Funding Availability (NOFA) for the Capital Fund Recovery Competition 
Grants (CFRC) for the use of ARRA funds in the redevelopment of public 
housing units.
    Contact: Dominique Blom, Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office 
of Public Housing Investments, Office of Public and Indian Housing, 
Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., 
Room 4130, Washington, DC 20140-5000, telephone (202) 402-4181.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 941.606(n)(1)(ii).
    Project/Activity: High Point Housing Authority, Clara Cox Homes 
Apartments, High Point, NC.
    Nature of Requirement: This regulatory provision requires that if 
the partner and/or owner entity (or any other entity with an identity 
of interest with such parties) wants to serve as a general contractor 
for the project or development, it may award itself the construction 
contract only if it can demonstrate to HUD's satisfaction that its bid 
is the lowest submitted in response to a public request for bids.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: July 31, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The High Point Housing Authority (HPHA) submitted an 
independent cost estimate prepared by Willis Construction Consulting, 
Inc. for Clara Cox which totaled $7,994,982. HPHA also submitted the 
construction contract between Crosland Inc. and Crosland Contractors 
which totaled $7,677,982. As cost was below that of the independent 
cost estimates, HUD's condition was satisfied.
    Contact: Dominique Blom, Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office 
of Public Housing Investments, Office of Public and Indian Housing, 
Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., 
Washington, DC 20140-5000, Room 4130, telephone (202) 402-4181.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 941.610(a)(1)-(a)(7).
    Project/Activity: Housing Authority of the City of Camden's (HACC), 
Camden, NJ. The closing of Roosevelt Manor, a HOPE VI Phase 9-10 mixed-
finance project, consisting of the development of 89 family rental 
units on off-site parcels adjacent to and nearby the former Roosevelt 
Manor public housing site.
    Nature of Requirement: Section 941.610(a)(1)-(a)(7) of HUD's 
regulation requires HUD review and approval of certain legal documents 
relating to mixed-finance development before a closing can occur and 
funds can be released. In lieu of HUD's review, and before funds can be 
released, HACC must submit documentation, which certifies to the 
accuracy and authenticity of the legal documents detailed in 
941.610(a)(1)-(a)(7), the form of the certification to be specified by 
HUD. In addition, HACC must execute the Declaration of Restrictive 
Covenants, in standard form, and provide evidence that it is the first 
recorded document.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: September 23, 2009.
    Reason Waived: Granting a waiver of HUD's review and allowing HACC 
to certify to the validity of certain legal documents was determined to 
streamline the review process and therefore expedite closing and public 
housing production.
    Contact: Dominique Blom, Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office 
of Public Housing Investments, Office of Public and Indian Housing, 
Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., 
Room 4130, Washington, DC 20140-5000, telephone (202) 402-4181.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 941.610(a)(1)-(a)(7).
    Project/Activity: Closing of the Olga Village Mixed-Finance Project 
of the Housing Authority of the City of Milwaukee (HACM) in Wisconsin.
    Nature of Requirement: Section 941.610(a)(1)-(a)(7) of HUD's 
regulations requires HUD review and approval of certain legal documents 
relating to mixed-finance development before a closing can occur and 
public housing funds can be released. In lieu of HUD's review of these 
documents, SAHA must submit certifications to the accuracy and 
authenticity of the legal documents detailed in 24 CFR 941.610(a)(1)-
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: August 27, 2009.
    Reason Waived: Granting a waiver of HUD's review and allowing HACM 
to certify to the validity of certain legal documents was determined to 
streamline the review process and therefore expedite closing and public 
housing production.
    Contact: Dominique Blom, Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office 
of Public Housing Investments, Office of Public and Indian Housing, 
Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., 
Room 4130, Washington, DC 20140-5000, telephone (202) 402-4181.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.503(d) and 982.505(c)(3).

[[Page 69486]]

    Project/Activity: Omaha Housing Authority (OHA), Omaha, NE.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.503(d) 
provides that HUD may consider and approve a PHA's establishment of a 
payment standard lower than the basic range, but that HUD will not 
approve a lower payment standard if the family share for more than 40 
percent of participants in the PHA's Housing Choice Voucher program 
exceeds 30 percent of adjusted monthly income. The regulation at 24 CFR 
982.505(c)(3) provides that if the amount on the payment standard 
schedule is decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower 
payment standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly 
HAP for the family beginning at the effective date of the family's 
second regular reexamination following the effective date of the 
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: August 5, 2009.
    Reason Waived: These waivers were granted because these cost-saving 
measures would enable OHA to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.503(d) and 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Housing Authority of the City of Columbus (HACC), 
Columbus, IN.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.503(d) 
provides that HUD may consider and approve a PHA's establishment of a 
payment standard lower than the basic range, but that HUD will not 
approve a lower payment standard if the family share for more than 40 
percent of participants in the PHA's Housing Choice Voucher program 
exceeds 30 percent of adjusted monthly income. The regulation at 24 CFR 
982.505(c)(3) provides that if the amount on the payment standard 
schedule is decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower 
payment standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly 
HAP for the family beginning at the effective date of the family's 
second regular reexamination following the effective date of the 
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: August 7, 2009.
    Reason Waived: These waivers were granted because these cost-saving 
measures would enable HACC to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.503(d) and 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Housing Authority of the County of Riverside 
(HACR), Riverside, CA.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.503(d) 
provides that HUD may consider and approve a PHA's establishment of a 
payment standard lower than the basic range, but that HUD will not 
approve a lower payment standard if the family share for more than 40 
percent of participants in the PHA's Housing Choice Voucher program 
exceeds 30 percent of adjusted monthly income. The regulation at 24 CFR 
982.505(c)(3) provides that if the amount on the payment standard 
schedule is decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower 
payment standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly 
HAP for the family beginning at the effective date of the family's 
second regular reexamination following the effective date of the 
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: August 7, 2009.
    Reason Waived: These waivers were granted because these cost-saving 
measures would enable HACR to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority (NHHFA), 
Manchester, NH.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: July 2, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable NHHFA to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Northwest Oregon Housing Authority (NOHA), 
Warrenton, OR.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: July 2, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable NOHA to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of

[[Page 69487]]

Public Housing and Voucher Programs, Office of Public and Indian 
Housing, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh 
Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-5000, telephone (202) 708-

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Housing Authority of Winston-Salem (HAWS), 
Winston-Salem, NC.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: July 2, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable HAWS to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Queen Anne's County Housing Authority (QACHA), 
Queen Anne's County, MD.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: July 2, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable QACHA to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Walla Walla Housing Authority (WWHA), Walla 
Walla, WA.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: July 2, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable WWHA to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Ada County Housing Authority (ACHA), Boise, ID.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: July 13, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable ACHA to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Boerne Housing Authority (BHA), Boerne, TX.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: July 13, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable BHA to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Dolgeville Housing Authority (DHA), Dolgeville, 
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: July 13, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable DHA to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher

[[Page 69488]]

program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Hartford Community Development Authority (HCDA), 
Hartford, WI.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: July 13, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable HCDA to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Housing Authority of the County of Kern (HACK), 
Bakersfield, CA.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: July 13, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable HACK to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Marion County Housing Authority (MCHA), Salem, 
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: July 13, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable MCHA to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Housing Authority of the County of Monterey 
(HACM), Salinas, CA.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: July 13, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable HACM to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Housing Authority of St. Mary's County (HASMC), 
Lexington Park, MD.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: July 13, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable HASMC to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: West Allis Community Development Authority 
(WACDA), West Allis, WI.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the

[[Page 69489]]

monthly HAP for the family beginning at the effective date of the 
family's second regular reexamination following the effective date of 
the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: July 13, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable WACDA to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Housing Authority of the Birmingham District 
(HABC), Birmingham, AL.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: July 16, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable HABD to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Housing Authority of the City of Charleston 
(HACC), Charleston, SC.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: July 16, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable HACC to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Housing Authority of the City of Richland (HACR), 
Richland, WA.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: July 22, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable HACR to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Housing Authority of the City of Decatur (HACD), 
Decatur, AL.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: July 23, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable HACD to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Foley Housing Authority (FHA), Foley, AL.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: July 23, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable FHA to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).

[[Page 69490]]

    Project/Activity: Housing Authority of the City of Redding (HACR), 
Redding, CA.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: July 23, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable HACR to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: County of Becker Housing and Economic Development 
Authority (CBHEDA), Detroit Lakes, MI.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: July 24, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable CBHEDA to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Fairfield Alabama Housing Authority (FAHA), 
Selma, AL.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: July 24, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable FAHA to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Housing Authority of the County of Hidalgo 
(HACH), Weslaco, TX.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: July 24, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable HACH to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Memphis Housing Authority (MHA), Memphis, TN.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: July 24, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable MHA to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Miami Metropolitan Housing Authority (MMHA), 
Troy, OH.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: July 24, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable MMHA to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management

[[Page 69491]]

and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Selma Housing Authority (SHA), Selma, AL.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: July 24, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable SHA to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Housing Authority of the City of Cabool (HACC), 
Cabool, MO.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: July 31, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable HACC to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Clearwater Housing Authority (CHA), Clearwater, 
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: July 31, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable CHA to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Cordova Housing Authority (CHA), Cordova, AL.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: August 5, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable CHA to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Hampton Redevelopment and Housing Authority 
(HRHA), Hampton, VA.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: July 31, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable HRHA to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Hopewell Housing and Redevelopment Authority 
(HHRA), Hopewell, VA.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: July 31, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving

[[Page 69492]]

measure would enable HHRA to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Montgomery Housing Authority (MHA), Montgomery, 
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: July 31, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable MHA to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Housing Authority of the City of Old Town 
(HACOT), Old Town, ME.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: July 31, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable HACOT to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Roosevelt City Housing Authority (RCHA), 
Roosevelt, UT.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: July 31, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable RCHA to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Wyoming Housing Commission (WHC), Wyoming, MI.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: August 5, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable WHC to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Assumption Parish Police Jury (APPJ), 
Napoleonville, LA.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: August 11, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable APPJ to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Housing Authority of the City of Bridgeport 
(HACB), Bridgeport, CT.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning

[[Page 69493]]

at the effective date of the family's second regular reexamination 
following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: August 11, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable HACB to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Chattanooga Housing Authority (CHA), Chattanooga, 
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: August 11, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable CHA to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Davis Community Housing Authority (DCHA), 
Farmington, UT.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: August 11, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable DCHA to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Fort Dodge Housing Authority (FDHA), Fort Dodge, 
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: August 11, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable FDHA to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Garfield County Housing Authority (GCHA), Rifle, 
    Nature of Requirement: The regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: August 11, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable GCHA to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Mobile Housing Board (MHB), Mobile, AL.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: August 11, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable MHB to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Housing Authority of the City of Opelika (HACO), 
Opelika, AL.

[[Page 69494]]

    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: August 11, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable HACO to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Yolo County Housing Authority (YCHA), Woodland, 
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: August 11, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable YCHA to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Goshen Housing Authority (GHA), Goshen, IN.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: August 12, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable GHA to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Housing Authority of the City of Odessa (HACO), 
Odessa, TX.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: August 12, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable HACO to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Winnebago County Housing Authority (WCHA), 
Oshkosh, WI.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: August 12, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable WCHA to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Mansfield Metropolitan Housing Authority (MMHA), 
Mansfield, OH.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: August 13, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable MMHA to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing,

[[Page 69495]]

Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., 
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Brunswick Housing Authority (BHA), Brunswick, GA.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: August 18, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable BHA to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Housing Authority of the City of Northport 
(HACN), Northport, AL.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: August 27, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable HACN to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Housing Authority of the County of Berks (HACB), 
Reading, PA.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: September 1, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable HACB to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Housing Authority of DeKalb County (HADC), 
Decatur, GA.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: September 1, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable HADC to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Mid Iowa Regional Housing Authority (MIRHA), Ft. 
Dodge, IA.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: September 1, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable MIRHA to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Central Texas Council of Governments (CTCOG), 
Belton, TX.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: September 3, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable CTCOG to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher

[[Page 69496]]

program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Housing Authority of the City of Columbia (HACC), 
Columbia, MO.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: September 3, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable HACC to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Housing Authority of the County of Contra Costa 
(HACCC), Martinez, CA.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: September 3, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable HACCC to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Housing Authority of the City of Alice (HACA), 
Alice, TX.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: September 11, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable HACA to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Grayling Housing Commission (GHC), Grayling, MI.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: September 11, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable GHC to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Michigan City Housing Authority (MCHA), Michigan 
City, IN.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: September 11, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable MCHA to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Jacksonville Housing Authority (JHA), 
Jacksonville, FL.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.

[[Page 69497]]

    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: September 16, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable JHA to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: San Diego Housing Commission (SDHC), San Diego, 
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: September 16, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable SDHC to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Western Carolina Community Action (WCCA), 
Hendersonville, NC.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: September 16, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable WCCA to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Mankato Economic Development Authority (MEDA), 
Mankato, MN.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: September 17, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable MEDA to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Portsmouth Redevelopment and Housing Authority 
(PRHA), Portsmouth, VA.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: September 17, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable PRHA to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Central Iowa Regional Housing Authority (CIRHA), 
Grimes, IA.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: September 23, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable CIRHA to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Housing Authority of the City of Jasper (HACJ), 
Jasper, AL.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3)

[[Page 69498]]

provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: September 23, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable HACJ to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Delray Beach Housing Authority (DBHA), Delray 
Beach, FL.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: September 24, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable DBHA to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: East Tennessee Human Resource Agency (ETHRA), 
Knoxville, TN.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: September 24, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable ETHRA to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Village of Rockville Centre (VRC), Rockville 
Centre, NY.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: September 24, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable the VRC to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Missoula Housing Authority (MHA), Missoula, MT.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: September 25, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable MHA to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
    Project/Activity: Annapolis Housing Authority (AHA), Annapolis, MD.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3) 
provides that if the amount on the payment standard schedule is 
decreased during the term of the HAP contract, the lower payment 
standard amount generally must be used to calculate the monthly HAP for 
the family beginning at the effective date of the family's second 
regular reexamination following the effective date of the decrease.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: September 28, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This waiver was granted because this cost-saving 
measure would enable AHA to both manage its Housing Choice Voucher 
program within allocated budget authority and avoid or lessen the 
termination of HAP contracts due to insufficient funding.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing,

[[Page 69499]]

Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., 
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(d).
    Project/Activity: Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles 
(HACLA), Los Angeles, CA.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(d) states 
that a public housing agency may only approve a higher payment standard 
for a family as a reasonable accommodation if the higher payment 
standard is within the basic range of 90 to 110 percent of the fair 
market rent (FMR) for the unit size.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: July 2, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The participant, who is disabled, needs to remain in 
his current unit because it accommodates his disability. To provide 
this reasonable accommodation so the client could be assisted in his 
current unit and pay no more than 40 percent of his adjusted income 
toward the family share, the HACLA was allowed to approve an exception 
payment standard that exceeded the basic range of 90 to 110 percent of 
the FMR.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(d).
    Project/Activity: San Francisco Housing Authority (SFHA), San 
Francisco, CA.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(d) states 
that a public housing agency may only approve a higher payment standard 
for a family as a reasonable accommodation if the higher payment 
standard is within the basic range of 90 to 110 percent of the fair 
market rent (FMR) for the unit size.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: July 13, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The client, who is disabled, needs to remain in her 
current unit because it has been modified to provide reasonable 
accommodation. To provide a reasonable accommodation so the client 
could be assisted in her current unit and pay no more than 40 percent 
of his adjusted income toward the family share, the SFHA was allowed to 
approve an exception payment standard that exceeded the basic range of 
90 to 110 percent of the FMR.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(d).
    Project/Activity: Housing Authority of the City of Middletown 
(HACM), Middletown, CT.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(d) states 
that a public housing agency may only approve a higher payment standard 
for a family as a reasonable accommodation if the higher payment 
standard is within the basic range of 90 to 110 percent of the fair 
market rent (FMR) for the unit size.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: July 16, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The applicant, who is disabled, needs to remain in 
his current unit because it has been modified to provide reasonable 
accommodation. To provide this reasonable accommodation so the client 
could be assisted in his current unit and pay no more than 40 percent 
of his adjusted income toward the family share, the HACM was allowed to 
approve an exception payment standard that exceeded the basic range of 
90 to 110 percent of the FMR.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(d).
    Project/Activity: Salem Housing Authority (SHA), Salem, MA.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(d) states 
that a public housing agency may only approve a higher payment standard 
for a family as a reasonable accommodation if the higher payment 
standard is within the basic range of 90 to 110 percent of the fair 
market rent (FMR) for the unit size.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: July 16, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The client, who is disabled, needs to remain in her 
current unit because it has been modified to provide reasonable 
accommodation. To provide this reasonable accommodation so the client 
could be assisted in her current unit and pay no more than 40 percent 
of her adjusted income toward the family share, the SHA was allowed to 
approve an exception payment standard that exceeded the basic range of 
90 to 110 percent of the FMR.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(d).
    Project/Activity: Chippewa Housing Authority (CHA), Chippewa, WI.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(d) states 
that a public housing agency may only approve a higher payment standard 
for a family as a reasonable accommodation if the higher payment 
standard is within the basic range of 90 to 110 percent of the fair 
market rent (FMR) for the unit size.
    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: September 11, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The client, who is disabled, needs to remain in her 
current unit because it has features that provide reasonable 
accommodation. To provide this reasonable accommodation so the client 
could be assisted in her current unit and pay no more than 40 percent 
of her adjusted income toward the family share, the CHA was allowed to 
approve an exception payment standard that exceeded the basic range of 
90 to 110 percent of the FMR.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(d).
    Project/Activity: Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles 
(HACLA), Los Angeles, CA.
    Nature of Requirement: HUD's regulation at 24 CFR 982.505(d) states 
that a public housing agency may only approve a higher payment standard 
for a family as a reasonable accommodation if the higher payment 
standard is within the basic range of 90 to 110 percent of the fair 
market rent (FMR) for the unit size.

[[Page 69500]]

    Granted by: Sandra B. Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and 
Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: September 16, 2009.
    Reason Waived: The clients, who are disabled, need to remain in 
their current unit, as moving would be detrimental to their overall 
health. To provide a reasonable accommodation so that this husband and 
wife could be assisted in their current unit and pay no more than 40 
percent of their adjusted income toward the family share, the HACLA was 
allowed to approve an exception payment standard that exceeded the 
basic range of 90 to 110 percent of the FMR.
    Contact: Laure Rawson, Acting Director, Housing Voucher Management 
and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, 
Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410-
5000, telephone (202) 708-0477.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 1000.156 and 1000.158
    Project/Activity: The following Tribes and Tribally designated 
housing entities (TDHE) requested a waiver to exceed the Total 
Development Cost (TDC) limits by 20% without HUD review and approval. 
The Tribes and TDHEs are required to maintain documentation showing 
that housing will be for low-income families and the design, size, and 
amenities are moderate and comparable to housing in the area. The 
wavier was granted in order to expedite the use of the economic 
stimulus funds made available under the American Recovery and 
Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) for Native Americans. Baranof 
Island Housing Authority, Sitka, AK; Bear River Band of Rohnerville 
Rancheria, Loleta, CA; Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians, Siletz, 
OR; Puyalup Nation Housing Authority, Tacoma, WA; Coeur D'Alene Tribal 
Housing Authority, Plummer, ID; and Port Gamble S'Klallam Housing 
Authority, Kingston, WA.
    Nature of Requirement: The regulation states that affordable 
housing developed, acquired, or assisted under the Indian Housing Block 
Grant (IHBG) program must be of moderate design. Each year TDC limits 
are published to provide recipients with affordable housing standards. 
These standards can be exceeded by 10% with Area Office of Native 
American Program (ONAP) approval and can be exceeded further with 
Headquarters approval. A recipient is required to submit justification 
to exceed the established TDC limits.
    Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General Deputy Assistant Secretary for 
Public and Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: May 4, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This specific waiver was included in the ``Waiver of 
Certain Requirements in the Competitive and Noncompetitive Native 
American Housing Block Grant and the Indian Community Development Block 
Grant Programs under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 
2009'' published in the Federal Register on May 29, 2009. The Recovery 
Act allowed for waivers to be granted if the waiver was necessary to 
expedite or facilitate the timely use of funds and would not be 
inconsistent with the overall purpose of the Recovery Act.
    Contact: Deborah Lalancette, Director, Office of Grants Management, 
ONAP, Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 1670 Broadway 23rd Floor, Denver, CO 80202, 
telephone number (303) 675-1600 ext. 1625.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 1003.302(a).
    Project/Activity: The Los Coyotes Band of Cahuilla Indians of 
Warner Springs, CA, an Indian Community Development Block Grant 
applicant, requested a waiver of the requirement to adopt housing 
rehabilitation standards prior to submitting an application. This 
waiver permits the applicant to submit the ICDBG application and adopt 
housing rehabilitation standards after award. This waiver was granted 
in order to expedite submission of an application for economic stimulus 
funds made available under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 
of 2009 (Recovery Act) for Native Americans.
    Nature of Requirement: The regulation requires that ICDBG 
applicants for housing rehabilitation projects adopt rehabilitation 
standards and policies prior to submitting the application.
    Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General Deputy Assistant Secretary for 
Public and Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: May 4, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This specific waiver was included in the ``Waiver of 
Certain Requirements in the Competitive and Noncompetitive Native 
American Housing Block Grant and the Indian Community Development Block 
Grant Programs under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 
'' published in the Federal Register on May 29, 2009. The Recovery Act 
allowed for waivers to be granted if the waiver was necessary to 
expedite or facilitate the timely use of funds and would not be 
inconsistent with the overall purpose of the Recovery Act.
    Contact: Deborah Lalancette, Director, Office of Grants Management, 
ONAP, Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 1670 Broadway 23rd Floor, Denver, CO 80202, 
telephone number (303) 675-1600 ext. 1625.

     Regulation: 24 CFR 1003.604.
    Project/Activity: The following Indian Community Development Block 
Grant applicants requested a waiver of the requirement to consult with 
residents prior to submitting an application. This waiver permits these 
applicants to certify that the plans for the funds have been posted or 
published and comments solicited. The waiver is granted in order to 
expedite submission of an application for economic stimulus funds made 
available under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 
(Recovery Act) for Native Americans. Akiachak Native Community, 
Akiachak, AK; Hannahville Potawatomie Housing Authority, Wilson, MI; 
Northern Cheyenne Tribal Housing Authority, Lame Deer, MT; Utah Paiute 
Housing Authority, Cedar City, UT; Grand Ronde Confederated Tribes, 
Grand Ronde, OR; and Laguna Housing Development and Management 
Enterprise, Laguna, NM.
    Nature of Requirement: The regulations require Indian Community 
Development Block Grant applicants to consult with residents prior to 
submitting their application.
    Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General Deputy Assistant Secretary for 
Public and Indian Housing.
    Date Granted: May 4, 2009.
    Reason Waived: This specific waiver was included in the ``Waiver of 
Certain Requirements in the Competitive and Noncompetitive Native 
American Housing Block Grant (NAHBG) and the Indian Community 
Development Block Grant (ICDBG) Programs under the American Recovery 
and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act)'' published in the Federal 
Register on May 29, 2009. The Recovery Act allowed for waivers to be 
granted if the waiver was necessary to expedite or facilitate the 
timely use of funds and would not be inconsistent with the overall 
purpose of the Recovery Act.
    Contact: Deborah Lalancette, Director, Office of Grants Management, 
ONAP, Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 1670 Broadway 23rd Floor, Denver, CO 80202, 
telephone number (303) 675-1600 ext. 1625.

[FR Doc. E9-30881 Filed 12-30-09; 8:45 am]