[Federal Register Volume 75, Number 108 (Monday, June 7, 2010)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 32143-32145]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2010-13574]



39 CFR Part 111

Submission of Electronic Documentation With Comailed and 
Copalletized Mailings

AGENCY: Postal Service TM.

ACTION: Proposed rule.


SUMMARY: The Postal Service is proposing to revise Mailing Standards of 
the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM[supreg]) 
705 and 707 to require mail owners participating in a comailing or 
copalletization process for letters or flats to provide electronic 
documentation, through an approved method, to support their contributed 
mailpieces. The Postal Service also proposes to require comail and 
copalletization mailers to submit electronic documentation to the 
USPS[supreg] by an approved method.

DATES: Submit comments on or before July 7, 2010.

ADDRESSES: Mail or deliver written comments to the Manager, Mailing 
Standards, U.S. Postal Service, 475 L'Enfant Plaza, SW., Room 3436, 
Washington, DC 20260-3436. You may inspect and photocopy all written 
comments at USPS Headquarters Library, 475 L'Enfant Plaza, SW., 11th 
Floor North, Washington, DC, between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through 
Friday. E-mail comments, containing the name and address of the 
commenter, may be sent to: MailingStandards@usps.gov, with a subject 
line of ``EDOC.'' Faxed comments are not accepted.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: David Guinther at 202-268-7769 or 
Kevin Gunther at 202-268-7208.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Current mailing standards do not require 
mailers preparing comailed or copalletized mailings, or mailers who 
contribute mailpieces to a consolidated comail or copalletized mailing, 
to submit electronic documentation to the USPS. The receipt of 
electronic documentation, when received prior to USPS acceptance of 
copalletized mailings, will enhance the electronic visibility of the 
mailpieces, will result in a reduction in postal handling, and will 
improve efficiency in the processing of copalletized mailings.
    The Postal Service can accept piece-level electronic documentation 
through either of two methods--Mail.dat[supreg] or Mail.XML[supreg]. 
The original container data, included in the Mail.dat or Mail.XML file, 
permits the tracking of containers from their origin, through the 
consolidation site, and ultimately into USPS processing. Original 
container data is also an essential element in the generation of 
standardized documentation (i.e. qualification reports) and postage 
statements for comailed or copalletized mailings. Therefore, the Postal 
Service proposes to require all mailers associated with the preparation 
and presentation of comailed and copalletized mailings to transmit 
electronic documentation to the USPS, using properly formatted

[[Page 32144]]

Mail.dat or Mail.XML files. Electronic postage statements prepared 
through Postal Wizard will not fulfill the documentation requirement 
under this proposed rule.
    Electronic documentation provided with copalletized mailings may 
include data for one or multiple mail owners. These standards would 
require mailers preparing mailings of letter-size pieces in trays, 
which include pieces to be incorporated within a copalletized mailing, 
to prepare separate postage statements for the portion of the mailing 
being accepted at the origin site, and separate statements for the 
portion being directed to a consolidator. Consolidators preparing 
copalletized mailings of trays must prepare electronic documentation 
showing the assignment of the trays with Intelligent Mail[supreg] tray 
labels to pallets bearing Intelligent Mail container placards, as well 
as the postage statements for payment at the consolidator site. 
Consolidators of letter-size pieces in trays will also be required to 
drop ship copalletized mailpieces at the appropriate postal facility in 
accordance with the entry discount claimed at the origin acceptance 
    Origin mailers preparing mailings of bundles must prepare separate 
postage statements for the portion of the mailing being accepted at the 
origin site and provide the documentation for verification for that 
portion being directed to a consolidator.
    In accordance with DMM 705.22.0, Full-Service Automation Option, 
electronic documentation is currently required with copalletized and 
other mailings that include full-service Intelligent Mail letters or 
flats. Mailers who include full-service Intelligent Mail pieces that 
will later be copalletized must follow all requirements for full-
service Intelligent Mail, including the use of an approved electronic 
method to transmit postage statements and mailing documentation to the 
USPS, and the use of Intelligent Mail tray labels and container 
    The Postal Service is also proposing to require Periodicals mailers 
to submit electronic documentation for each comailed and/or 
copalletized mailing, identifying each title and version (or edition) 
in the mailing. For mailings that are entered at origin, and later 
copalletized at a consolidation site, the mail owner or preparer will 
be required to submit electronic documentation (Mail.dat or Mail.XML) 
for the copalletized portion of the mailing. Mailers consolidating 
multiple mailings on pallets will be required to provide the electronic 
submission equivalent of the comail (hard copy) documentation 
requirements of DMM 707.27, Combining Multiple Editions or 
Publications. For copalletized Periodicals mail, postage statements and 
payment will be entered at the consolidator's site.
    To support the automated electronic tracking of copalletized 
mailpieces, the electronic documentation submitted at the origin site 
must indicate which bundles, trays, or sacks will be sent to a 
consolidator for copalletization. The standardized documentation and 
postage statements will be available for viewing by acceptance offices 
when the electronic documentation for the copalletized portion of the 
mailing job is updated by the consolidator through the original 
container data. The origin facility will then be required to transmit 
electronic documentation to the PostalOne![supreg] system before the 
consolidator's electronic documentation is transmitted to the USPS.
    With this change, the consolidator will be responsible for updating 
the electronic documentation from the mail owner or preparer for that 
portion of the mailing going to the consolidation site. Mailers 
consolidating multiple mailings on pallets must use the electronic data 
received from the creator of the mailing to create new electronic data. 
This electronic data will then be used to generate the original 
container data, indicating the origin of the bundles, trays or sacks 
comprising the copalletized mailing. For mailings of bundles, the 
electronic data will be used to generate postage statements and payment 
at the consolidator site.
    Additional information concerning the submission of electronic 
documentation can be obtained from the USPS online publication, A Guide 
to Intelligent Mail Letters & Flats, at http://ribbs.usps.gov.
    We are also proposing to revise portions of DMM 705.8.0, Preparing 
Pallets, to include reference to the copalletization of letter-size 
pieces within those sections.
    Although we are exempt from the notice and comment requirements of 
the Administrative Procedure Act [5 U.S.C. of 553(b), (c)] regarding 
proposed rulemaking by 39 U.S.C. 410(a), we invite public comments on 
the following proposed revisions to Mailing Standards of the United 
States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM), incorporated by 
reference in the Code of Federal Regulations. See 39 CFR Part 111.

List of Subjects in 39 CFR Part 111

    Administrative practice and procedure, Postal Service.

    Accordingly, 39 CFR Part 111 is proposed to be amended as follows:


    1. The authority citation for 39 CFR Part 111 continues to read as 


    5 U.S.C. 552(a); 13 U.S.C. 301-307; 18 U.S.C. 1692-1737; 39 
U.S.C. 101, 401, 403, 404, 414, 416, 3001-3011, 3201-3219, 3403-
3406, 3621, 3622, 3626, 3632, 3633, and 5001.

    2. Revise the following sections of Mailing Standards of the 
United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM), as 
* * * * *

700 Special Standards

* * * * *

705 Advanced Preparation and Special Postage Payment Systems

* * * * *

8.0 Preparing Pallets

* * * * *
    [Revise title of 8.7 as follows:]

8.7 Copalletized, Combined, or Mixed-Price Level Palletized Mailings

8.7.1 General

    [Revise 8.7.1 as follows:]
    Copalletized, combined, or mixed-price level palletized mailings 
of letter-size or flat-size pieces must be prepared under the 
standards for the class of mail, subject to specific authorization 
by Business Mailer Support when required. The following conditions 
apply when making copalletized mailings:
    1. Postage statements and mailing documentation must be 
transmitted to the USPS using an approved electronic method.
    2. In accordance with 708.6.5 and 708.6.6, Intelligent Mail tray 
labels must be used on trays and sacks and Intelligent Mail 
container placards must be used on pallets or similar containers.
    3. If consolidating multiple mailings on pallets, update the 
electronic data for each of the original mailings. This updated data 
must be reflected in the electronic data transmitted to the USPS.
    4. Meet postage payment requirements as specified by Business 
Mailer Support.
* * * * *

8.7.3 Periodicals Publications

    [Revise 8.7.3 by adding a new third sentence as follows:]
    * * * Postage for copalletized mailings of flat-size Periodicals 
must be paid at the consolidator's site. * * *
* * * * *

8.7.4 Standard Mail

    [Revise the first sentence of 8.7.4 and add a new last sentence 
as follows:]
    To copalletize different Standard Mail letter- or flat-size 
mailings, the mailer must consolidate on pallets all independently 
sorted trays or bundles from each mailing to

[[Page 32145]]

achieve the finest presort level for the mailing, except that a 
flat-size copalletized mailing prepared under 8.11 or 8.14 using the 
bundle reallocation option may not always result in all bundles 
being placed on the finest pallet level possible.* * * Origin 
mailers participating in a copalletized mailing of Standard Mail 
letters in trays must prepare a separate postage statement for the 
portion entered at the origin site and another postage statement for 
the portion directed to the consolidator.
* * * * *

8.8 Basic Uses

    These types of mail may be palletized:
* * * * *
    [Revise 8.8 by re-sequencing items f through i as the new g 
through j and adding a new item f as follows:]
    f. Copalletized multiple letter-size mailings, prepared in 
trays, subject to 8.0.
* * * * *
    [Revise title of 8.16 as follows:]

8.16 Copalletized Letter-Size and Flat-size Pieces--Periodicals or 
Standard Mail

8.16.1 Basic Standards

    [Revise 8.16.1 as follows:]
    Copalletized letter- and flat-size mailings must meet the 
applicable standards in 8.0. In addition, if copalletized under 
10.0, 12.0, or 13.0, the applicable provisions of that preparation 
option must also be met. Any combination of automation mailings and 
nonautomation mailings is subject to the restrictions in 8.14. Trays 
and bundles in a copalletized mailing qualify for the appropriate 
presort level price, regardless of the pallet level on which they 
are placed. Mailers participating in copalletized mailings must:
    a. Transmit postage statements and mailing documentation to the 
USPS using an approved electronic method.
    b. In accordance with 708.6.5 and 708.6.6, use Intelligent Mail 
tray labels on trays and sacks and Intelligent Mail container 
placards on pallets or similar containers.
    c. If consolidating multiple mailings on pallets, update the 
electronic data for each of the original mailings. This updated data 
must be reflected in the electronic data transmitted to the USPS by 
the consolidator.
    d. Meet postage payment requirements as specified by Business 
Mailer Support.

8.16.2 Periodicals

    Additional standards are as follows:
* * * * *
    [Revise 8.16.2 by adding a new item d as follows:]
    d. Postage for copalletized mailings of flat-size Periodicals 
must be paid at the consolidator's site.

8.16.3 Standard Mail

    Additional standards are as follows:
* * * * *
    [Revise 8.16.3 by adding a new item f as follows:]
    f. Origin mailers participating in a copalletized mailing of 
Standard Mail letters in trays must prepare a separate postage 
statement for the portion entered at the origin site and another 
postage statement for the portion directed to the consolidator.
* * * * *

707 Periodicals

* * * * *

27.0 Combining Multiple Editions or Publications

* * * * *

27.5 Documentation

    * * * The following additional standards apply:
    [Revise 27.5 by adding a new item c and d as follows:]
    c. Unless excepted by Business Mailer Support (BMS), mailers 
combining Periodicals publications under 27.1a must transmit postage 
statements and mailing documentation to the USPS using a BMS-
approved electronic method.
    d. Mailers combining Periodicals publications under 27.1c must 
transmit postage statements and mailing documentation to the USPS 
using a BMS-approved electronic method.
    [Renumber current 27.6 through 27.8 as new 27.7 through 27.9 and 
add a new item 27.6 as follows:]

27.6 Additional Standards

    Mailers combining Periodicals publications under 27.1a or 27.1c 
    a. Use Intelligent Mail tray labels on trays and sacks and 
Intelligent Mail container placards, under 708.6.5 and 6.6, on 
pallets or similar containers.
    b. When using a consolidator, prepare a separate postage 
statement for the portion of the mailing accepted at the origin site 
and another statement for that portion directed to a consolidator.
    c. When using a consolidator under 27.1c, pay postage at the 
consolidator's site.
    d. If consolidating multiple mailings on pallets, update the 
electronic data for each of the original mailings. This updated data 
must be reflected in the electronic data transmitted to the USPS.
    f. Meet postage payment requirements as specified by Business 
Mailer Support.
* * * * *
    We will publish an appropriate amendment to 39 CFR Part 111 to 
reflect these changes if our proposal is adopted.

Stanley F. Mires,
Chief Counsel, Legislative.

[FR Doc. 2010-13574 Filed 6-4-10; 8:45 am]